The Salon

Meditations, Mediumship, and Coaching

Salons were an important place for the exchange of ideas in centuries past. In our salon, we will be offering access to our meditations (by subscription) and a place to book our energy healing, coaching, and mediumship services. If you have any questions, please ask.

Creating a Life You Love

This membership opens all the doors to allow you to live a life that YOU love. Each month you will get:

  • 2 half-hour readings with Jeff

  • Weekly coaching sessions with Meddy

  • Daily growth activities

  • Access to MEMBERS ONLY Meditations

Signing up for more extended subscriptions saves you money and offers FREE months.


Meddy offers Meditation Circles Subscriptions for those dedicating themselves to manifesting a life they love.

Now and then she will also offer special LIVE meditations

While an extremely talented medium herself, Meddy focuses more on healing and coaching these days. For Mediumship, we suggest sitting with Jeff and his guidance for more enlightenment for your path. He also offers subscriptions if you wish to join him on a regular basis.