The House of the Ushered Path

Guiding You to a Life that You Love

Rev. S. Meddy Jacques


Rev. Jeffrey E. Jacques

Welcome to The House of the Ushered Path

No, the pictures of the rooms and exterior are not depictions of our actual home. However, it is our mission to have an environment you can call home. We find the greatest joy in seeing others succeed, find the life they love, and live in respectful coexistence with everyone around us. Life has more than enough beauty and splendor to share.

The House of Usher has been an important story for Meddy and Jeff, and the lesson there is one reason why the home they share with you is called The House of the Ushered Path. Everyone has different skills, desires, joys, and ideas. In a welcoming Home, all can find their paths to happiness and living the life they love.

The Entryway

Want to know more about Jeff and Meddy? In our Entryway is where you will find out more about the heads of The House of the Ushered Path, their background, and more.

How Can We Help?

Allow our staff to usher you to living your best life NOW, in whatever manner that may be.

The Sitting Room

Normally a quiet place for all to gather, we have reserved the SITTING ROOM for our classes. Join the USHERED PATH ACADEMY for a class, meditation, or what have you:

The Library

Our residents all love reading and enjoying a film. Our LIBRARY holds our eclectic collections of books, games, writings, and articles. You will find our publishings there as well as:

The Salon

The SALON is the center for intellectual pursuits. There we hold our discussions and conversations with all phases of existence. Join us for:

The Gardens

We cherish our GARDENS and the beauties growing in each of them. A stroll through the garden can be quite refreshing. Join our gardeners doing what they love:

The Conservatory

The House is where our human residents stay, and some other forms of life as well, yet it is in our CONSERVATORY we house and tend to our special animals, lizards, and fish. Join the staff there for help with:

The Courtyard

The House cannot house all of our activities, for sure. When events get too large, we hold special gatherings in our COURTYARD. Join us, and our staff, there for stories, classes, and our events such as:

The Kitchen

The kitchen is the center of The House, and our resident chef has an instinctual way about her cooking. When Meddy gets in "her kitchen" we just wait for the bell to ring for the next delicacy. In The Kitchen is our pseudo-cookbook (Meddy rarely uses a recipe) where we will be posting things like:

The Chapel

The ceremony is an integral element in life. No matter the pathway one chooses for themselves and those they love, allow our Pastors to usher you in YOUR way. Visit us in THE CHAPEL for things like:

The Offices

There are many places Meddy and Jeff find themselves, and there are also many ways to reach them. Join us at the Writing Desk to contact them regarding whatever you are seeking. If they cannot help, they more than likely know someone who can.