Instructions for participants

Instructions for US and Japanese prospective participants -- Submit an abstract

The workshop seeks to increase research community understanding of the current state of network programming research, and share ideas about promising future research directions. The workshop will bring together US and Japanese representatives from academia, industry, and government to articulate a research agenda and stimulate future research collaborations for advancing programmable networking theory, applications and experimental testbeds on an international scale.

The workshop will help realize these goals by:

1) convening leading programmable networking research stakeholders to evaluate the current state of foundational knowledge, and its role in the context of growing academic use of network programming;

2) providing a forum for infrastructure developers and experimenters to meet and share future directions for programmable networking testbeds;

3) meeting industry stakeholders who will share their views about their project directions and anticipated use cases; and

4) allowing researchers to exchange information about system needs to execute their future research experiments, and assess the impact that programmable networking research infrastructures can have on commercial product offerings and operating networks.

The topics of network programming, `in-network' intelligence and service-centric networking are both broadening and deepening, increasing the list of areas we believe are ripe for further innovation and within the workshop’s scope. Each prospective workshop participant should submit a one-page summary of a position, experiment, technology, application, architecture, lesson learned, or research vision to share with attendees. Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

Abstractions including languages and compilers, embedded state abstractions, and programmable parsing and scheduling;

Implementation including hardware and software switching platforms, programmable NICs, and network virtualization;

Applications including in-network computation, monitoring, telemetry and measurement, load balancing, control plane acceleration; 5G core and edge networks, and programs that solve practical problems related to traffic engineering, measurement, edge/fog computing, time synchronization, distributed consensus, etc.

Architectures including those that support distribution, fault tolerance, and software upgrades; architectures that support deep programmability via in-network storage and compute elements;

Algorithms and Hardware Realizations including fast approaches for packet classification, address lookup and forwarding table compression;

Programming Languages including the design of high-level languages for specifying network behavior and compilers that generate efficient low-level code for network devices; match-action pipeline processing languages beyond P4;

Verification Tools including tools for checking control plane and data plane properties automatically;

Consistency Models including programming mechanisms that provide strong consistency properties;

Security including techniques for automatically enforcing security properties such as access control policies and traffic isolation;

Programmable Physical Layers including optical and radio channels and transceivers; and

Programmable Networking Experimental Platforms including laboratory, shared community, and national and global scale testbeds to broaden participation by the research community.

All submitted abstracts will be distributed to workshop attendees, and included with the workshop report.

Submission instructions: Submit your abstract using this online form.

Submission deadline: August 31, 2020

Acceptance Notification: September 15, 2020