Mental Health Resources at York

UPSA is dedicated to the mental health and wellbeing of all students on campus. As student leaders we understand the pressure and vulnerability that comes along with being a student, and completely understand the extra support sometimes needed. It is important to remember that all of our UPSA members are volunteers and in no way qualified to help with serious, professional matters.

Luckily for us, York University takes pride in the wellness of their students and have dedicated an entire database with resources at our fingertips.

In case of crisis or emergency

  • Visit your local emergency department or call 911

  • If you are on campus call York Security, 416-736-5333, or Ext 33333 from a York Campus Phone

Need to talk to someone?

The following services are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

If you need to talk to someone in a language other than English. Open Monday to Friday, 10 a.m – 10 p.m. Offered through Spectra Community Support Services

  • Mandarin & Cantonese: 416-920-0497

  • Hindi, Urdu & Punjabi: 905-459-7777 ext. 2

  • Spanish: 905-459-7777 ext. 3

  • Portuguese: 905-459-7777 ext. 4

Mental Health Resources

Information from Health Canada and City of Toronto

Government of Canada connects Canadians with mental wellness supports during COVID-19

"Ministry of health have now launched a new portal for mental health on and the Canada COVID-19 app Wellness Together Canada will connect Canadians to peer support workers, social workers, psychologists and other professionals for confidential chat sessions or phone calls, and will make it easier to find credible information and help address mental health and substance use issues."


City of Toronto COVID-19 Mental Health Resources


  • Tips

      • Take deep breaths

      • Have a routine

      • Let in the sun

      • Exercise, dance and have fun

      • Call or virtually connect with loved ones

      • Stay informed

      • Look for the positives

      • Engage your brain

      • Seek help

  • Community Resources

  • Additional Resources


Social Distancing With UPSA

During these trying times, it can be tough to keep up one’s spirits, to practice physical exercise, and to sometimes feel socially isolated.

Our executives created short videos sharing their experience in quarantine thus far, which can be viewed on our Instagram! From workout and self-care tips, cute pet pictures to recipes and boosting your resume, we've got them all! And you can see them here as well.