General Inquiries

How can I volunteer with UPSA

UPSA recruits volunteers at the start of each semester! Keep an eye on our Instagram page for recruitment announcements (@UPSAYorkU).

What events are we holding this semester, and when are they?

Coming events will be posted to our social media platforms (especially our Instagram: UPSAYorkU), as well as to the "Events" tab on this webpage.

What is Calumet College?

Calumet College is your home base at York - a place where you can participate in student government, attend social activities, get academic help, work, and volunteer. You are welcome to check out their student success programs and join their upcoming events. You can also stay up-to-date by following their Instagram page @calumet.york.

How can I get my YU Card?

Visit the YU Card website and make sure you enter your information. Then, your card will be mailed to you. Upon urgency, you may also pick up your card in person. You can use your YU Card for things such as immediate need for on-campus services like door access, meal plan, and/or library curbside pickup.

Peer Tutoring

I need help with a particular course but I am too shy to approach a tutor. What do I do?

Our peer tutors offer FREE services in order to help you! They are always there to answer your questions in hopes to make you a more confident student- ready to tackle a difficult material in your courses. Our tutors will ensure you leave happy, so please don't be afraid to take advantage of our resources.

I am looking for help with a course that UPSA does not officially tutor for. What can I do?

If it is not offered, ask your tutor to speak with the tutoring coordinators, and they will inform you if this becomes available in the future.

I am looking for extra help with my courses. Can I ask a tutor to help me outside of their hours, with pay?

Unfortunately, our tutors are only permitted to help their tutees within their scheduled time. If you require extra help, please visit our PASS Leaders.

I need to finish this assignment but I don't have much time left. Can I ask a peer tutor to complete it for me?

Although our peer tutors are eager to help you, they are unable to complete any work for you. They are able to answer your questions or explain concepts, but doing your homework is not one of their tasks!

I need to get a test-bank. Can I get it from your peer tutors?

UPSA strictly prohibits the use of test-banks and is against the promotion of academic dishonesty. Therefore, if you come forward with such information, our peer tutors must report it.

Where can I find a zoom link or password for a tutoring session?

All the zoom links and passwords for our offered courses are available on our peer tutoring schedule. It is also available in plain text on the website.

Peer Mentoring

What is UPSA peer mentoring?

Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person. UPSA offers peer mentoring, where upper-year undergraduate students are matched with incoming first-year psychology students to help guide them through their transition to York and university life. We also offer mentoring to students in other years if requested.

First (or other) year student without a mentor?

Please email upsamentorship@gmail.com and we will assign you a mentor!

How do I contact UPSA's tutoring/mentoring/volunteer department?

For contact information refer to our contact page.

How can I make friends at York?

Making friends can be done in various ways. You can join clubs based on your interests using YUConnect. You can also attend UPSA's Activity Sessions, participate in PASS Sessions, and join an online class group discussion forum.

When do I contact my TA or my Professor?

Your professor is the one that knows the course information the best. It is a great idea to them if it is regarding personal/private matters, career advice and networking, or clarification on course content. On the other hand, TAs tend to get back to you sooner. They can also help you out regarding course clarification, course assessments, and extensions.

I am not getting the grades I hoped for. Who can I go to for help?

First, it is suggested that you talk to your TA or professor about your course materials such as exams and assignments. You might also want to check out Peer Tutoring and PASS to help you study the course content. For learning skills, having a Peer Mentor would be very beneficial as they can provide you with learning techniques. Lastly, make sure to check the York Learning Skill Services (LSS) to learn more about learning strategies and academic workshops.