Meet the Team


Claire Regina Kurniawan


Claire has been a part of UPSA since 2022. She started as a Peer Mentor, then became a Peer Mentor Coordinator, and is now a Co-President of UPSA! Being a part of UPSA has given her a sense of fulfilment and she cannot wait to bring great things to the club this year. She likes to play games and she also collects little stickers or notes that go into her journal. She is excited to see what lies ahead of her in this new journey of hers.

Claire chose to be a part of UPSA because she wanted to get more out of her university life. She realized along the way that university can be about more than just a degree and since she was familiar with UPSA, she decided to give it a go. She's happy to report that it has indeed added colour to her university life.

"If there isn't structure, create it!"

vi vo


Vi is an undergraduate student at York University pursuing a Specialized Honours Bachelor of Science in Psychology. With a passion for clinical and developmental psychology, Vi aims to contribute to research on caregiver-child relationships and child development. She is actively involved with the Calumet College Student Council (CCSC) and seizes various opportunities on campus to enhance her academic and leadership skills. Outside of academics, Vi enjoys reading books, catching up on her favorite shows, and spending quality time with friends.

For me, being part of UPSA has been a transformative experience. Over the past four years, UPSA has provided a supportive and vibrant community where I have found like-minded individuals who share my passion for psychology. It has been a place of growth, offering numerous opportunities to expand my knowledge, develop my skills, and engage with the field in meaningful ways.

I chose to be part of UPSA because of its dynamic and inclusive community that fosters both personal and professional development. The association has allowed me to participate in research discussions, workshops, volunteer activities, and leadership roles. Through these experiences, I have built lasting friendships and a strong network of peers and mentors. UPSA has not only enriched my university experience but also provided me with a platform to contribute to the psychology community at York University, making it an integral part of my academic and personal journey.

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called present.”

 — Master Oogway, Kung Fu Panda P.S. Vi loves Kungfu Panda 

Vice Presidents

Alyssa Piluso


Executive Vice President

Alyssa is heading into her final year of the Honours BA Psychology Program with a concentration and certification in Mental Health and Counselling. Alyssa is interested in mental health and well-being and is considering a future in psychotherapy or teaching. Alyssa has been working at CCSC as their Health and Wellness Coordinator and volunteers as a Crisis Responder for Kids Help Phone and a GLOW (Girls Linking Our Worlds) mentor for Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Canada. Alyssa is certified in ASSIST (Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training) and MHFA (Mental Health First Aid) and can support someone in a mental health crisis.

Over the past two years, Alyssa has served as a dedicated Peer Mentor at UPSA, where she has been guiding first-year students through the challenges of university life. This year, she is excited to take on the role of Executive Vice President, overseeing all departments and working to create a supportive community for all psychology majors at UPSA. Her time at UPSA has helped her develop her leadership skills and build lasting friendships with like-minded peers. Alyssa is looking forward to continuing her journey with UPSA and creating a nurturing environment for future professionals in psychology and other fields!

“Life doesn’t make any sense without interdependence. We need each other, and the sooner we learn that, the better for us all.”  — Erik Erikson

Bobbie Vayne Riesgo


Vice President of Student Success Department

Vayne is a third-year Psychology student in the Honours BSc Program. Currently, she is  concentrating on 'Child and Youth Development' as well as 'Counseling and Mental Health.' Her future career goal is to pursue a master's degree in Counselling and eventually open a private practice. She first started as a Peer Mentor with UPSA, and through that experience, she was able to meet so many new people, make new friends, and grow both personally and professionally. In her free time, she love to bake. Discovering or making new recipes is very fun, and Vayne really love making these treats for my friends and family to try. Besides baking, she also loves learning new languages, and her next mission is to relearn ASL.

Vayne chose to join UPSA because she wanted to connect more with the Psychology community at York. She wanted to meet more students within the psychology program, and she found that the best way to do that was to join UPSA. They are not only a club run by Psychology students, but they are also dedicated to providing support and events for students, which I truly appreciated. Joining UPSA was also an opportunity for her to build more friendships with like-minded individuals. This club seemed like a fantastic opportunity to pursue during my studies, knowing she would have a wonderful group of people to rely on.

Treasure Ilesanmi


Vice President of Marketing Department

Treasure is currently a Psychology major in the specialized honours program. She is interested in becoming a medical doctor (Neuropsychiatry) in the future. She joined UPSA in 2022 as a marketing ambassador, moved up to become a marketing coordinator in 2023 and now is the VP of marketing!! She is also involved in other opportunities that allow her to demonstrate her skills in leadership. For instance, she was a Peer Assisted Study Session (PASS) leader with Calumet and Stong colleges, a facilitator for The Centre of Sexual Violence Response and Education at York and a student ambassador for the Wellness centre at Calumet colleges in the past. And in terms of her hobbies, she enjoys travelling and trying new foods to expand her taste palette.

At first, joining UPSA was an opportunity to further develop Treasure's leadership skills and gain professional experience by assisting in organizing events and other activities, which would also be valuable to her in the future. That is still the case, but she has now had the opportunity to learn ways UPSA can make the York community a more inclusive environment for learning by providing the support and resources UPSA does. It has also been an environment that gave her the opportunity to connect with people from diverse backgrounds, which lead to valuable networking opportunities. And lastly, UPSA has provided Treasure with a fun and enjoyable experience where she made new friends and engaged in different activities. 



Vice President of Community Relations 

Nikou is in her third year of Psychology. She is excited to provide students with the same community she was so excited to be apart of in her first year. Nikou started out in UPSA as a Peer Ambassador and hopes to make the best of her time in UPSA. Aside from UPSA, Nikou enjoys reading, movies/tv, theatre and hanging out with friends :) 

UPSA is more than just a club, its a community:)

"Comparison is the thief of joy"


Noya aronovoch


Peer Mentor Coordinator

Noya is going into her fourth year of the B.A. Honours Specialized Psychology and Concurrent Education program! This will be her third year in UPSA, and she is very excited to continuing being a part of the team. She is looking forward to meeting everyone and to having an amazing year!

UPSA has been an amazing place to meet like minded individuals and share a similar passion for psychology! 

"I love reality TV!"

Sobi mohan 


Peer Mentor Coordinator

Sobi is a fourth year Specialized Honours Psychology student who aspires to be working in the mental health sector in the future. She has not decided yet of her specific areas of interest, but she is eager to help destigmatize mental health struggles particularly in the South Asian community. After being a CoRe Coordinator with UPSA last year, she has joined as a peer mentor coordinator. She is excited to have many amazing UPSA events this year! 

UPSA is the community Sobi hoped for. Coming to university during the pandemic, it was such a blessing for her to meet and interact with a group of like-minded people who want to help students learn more about psychology! 

"I love traveling! The coolest thing I have ever experienced is celebrating two New Years in one day!"

Noelle AL Qaissy


Peer Tutor Coordinator

Noelle is a dedicated fourth-year psychology student with a passion for making a difference in people's lives. When she's not studying, she enjoys creative writing, is a devoted cat lover, and relaxes by playing video games. As UPSA's Peer Tutor Coordinator, Noelle brings her enthusiasm for psychology to the forefront, aiming to support and inspire her peers. She hopes to use her degree to positively impact others, embodying the club's mission to enhance the academic and personal growth of all its members.

UPSA represents a supportive community where students can connect, learn, and grow together. It’s a place where we can share our love for psychology and support each other through the challenges of our academic journey. I joined UPSA to share my enthusiasm for psychology with others and to help make studying a bit easier and more enjoyable for York students


Simarpreet kaur


Peer Tutor Coordinator

Simar is an aspiring psychologist who is passionate about mental health, crime prevention and rehabilitation. Currently pursuing B.A. Honors double major in Psychology and Criminology, she hopes to improve the quality of life for people who have been involved with the criminal justice system. She has been involved with Calumet and Stong Colleges through roles like Peer Tutor, Course Representative and PASS Coordinator. Beyond her studies, she is an avid reader, and a co-chair of the CCSC Book Café. In her free time, she loves to binge watch series like Brooklyn 99 and The Office

As an international student experiencing homesickness, UPSA provided me a sense of community. Talking to likeminded peers gave me support and helped me feel connected and valued. The opportunities UPSA gave me have been instrumental in my personal growth and have enhanced my academic journey, allowing me to thrive in a new environment.

Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness to change a person's life"


alyssa-marie prassinos


Community Relations Coordinator

Alyssa is in her final year of the BA Honours Psychology program, with a goal to pursue a Masters in Clinical or Counselling Psychology. She is extremely passionate about making a difference in people’s lives, which is why she is eager to become a therapist and to assist in conducting research in psychology. Aside from academics, Alyssa enjoys going to new places, creating digital art, and socializing. 

To Alyssa, UPSA has fostered a safe environment that allows her to grow as an individual and to work with an amazing group of people. It was through being an ambassador that she became motivated in wanting to facilitate events that help students in their academic journeys. Alyssa is extremely grateful for being part of this club, and will use the numerous skills learned throughout her future.  

“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others” - Mahatma Gandhi 

julie vuong


Community Relations Coordinator

Julie is currently an undergraduate Honours Psychology student at York University. With a passion for mental health and helping others, she aspires to pursue graduate school after undergrad, and work towards becoming a registered psychotherapist. On her free time, she can be found volunteering, reading, listening to music, and watching her comfort TV shows/movies. 

Julie first joined UPSA as a Peer Ambassador, and after a year of volunteering, she's super grateful to have had the opportunity to be a part of a wonderful, collaborative, and engaging community. To her, being apart of UPSA has helped her strengthen her communication and leadership skills, build meaningful connections with other students, and contribute to the York community. She really looks forward to continuing her journey in UPSA as an executive member this year! 

"Joy is not made to be a crumb." - Mary Oliver 

Matthew persıco


Community Relations Coordinator

Transferring from Montreal, Matthew is a second year honours psychology student hoping to one day enter the clinical field of the study. His favorite hobbies include video games, working on his cars/motorcycles, and coffee. When not studying or indulging in his hobbies, he enjoys volunteering, where he has experience volunteering in fields such as hospitals and various conventions. 

UPSA for me is a place for people of all majors to socialize and learn about the psychology field. It also is a great resource for psyc majors specifically who might be struggling in the program to receive support from others in the same major. 

Nafisa Quamrun Malisa  


Ambassador Lead

Malisa is a second year Undergraduate Psychology (BSc) student. Her main goal in life is to help people navigate stress and the hardships that come with life, and create meaningful contributions to the world. While she is still a work in progress, she is proud for all her accomplishments, and looks forward to having an amazing year with UPSA! 

I chose to be a part of UPSA because its a very accepting community where I to meet like minded people and make fun memories in university! 

"Dwight Schrute is my spirit animal"



Marketing Coordinator

Community Relations Department

Bushra is a second year psychology honours student who has future plans of going to grad school while also trying to pursue a career in fashion marketing. In a competitive world, after grad school she looks forward to working as a neuropsychologist. Bushra's current hobbies include acrylic painting, reading and researching about the different religions that exist or ancient. She has gained experience by volunteering in the past, also have been part of MRI research done by PhD students at York. 

Joining UPSA was the best decision she made in her freshmen year, got to meet and work with people of her own major, gained important marketing skills. She is part of such an amazing team that helped her through everything together. Home to psyc majors, she is forever grateful to be part of this.

“I like the night. Without the dark, we'd never see the stars.”

Stephenie Meyer, Twilight 

Laila Capista 


Marketing Coordinator

Peer Tutoring Department

Laila is a third year undergraduate psychololgy student. Her career goals are to achieve her MA in councelling, and work up to become a Psychotherapist. One day, she would also want to earn her PhD. Laila's hobbies include going to the gym, reading, and journaling.

UPSA means a lot to Laila because she has met many amaing people, gained marekting experience, and grew as a person. Working alongside so many amazing people has only made her experience more memorable. She is very grateful and honoured to be a part of this team.

"The only way from here is up."



Marketing Coordinator

Peer Mentoring Department

Cheyenne is a dedicated student in her third year at York University, majoring in Psychology with a minor in Indigenous Studies. She aspires to become an Indigenous high school teacher, aiming to bridge psychology and Indigenous education to inspire and support marginalized students. Cheyenne is also involved in other opportunities that allow her to demonstrate her skills in leadership. Cheyenne served as the President of the Indigenous Students' Association at York, where she advocates for Indigenous students and organized culturally enriching events. She also serves as a Student Health Ambassador at York, promoting wellness and mental health awareness. Beyond academia, Cheyenne is deeply involved in her community, volunteering at the Native Women Transitions Houses and other initiatives that empower and uplift Indigenous women. Her hobbies include facilitating cultural events, traveling, and exploring new cuisines. Cheyenne's journey is marked by resilience and a commitment to destigmatizing mental health issues within the Indigenous community.

To Cheyenne, UPSA represents more than just an academic or professional organization; it embodies a community of support, growth, and empowerment. UPSA is a space where students from diverse backgrounds come together to share knowledge, resources, and experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual respect. It is a platform that encourages academic excellence and personal development, offering opportunities to enhance leadership skills, network with professionals, and participate in meaningful projects.Cheyenne chose to be a part of UPSA because it offers an invaluable opportunity to develop her leadership skills, engage in community-building activities, and contribute to a supportive academic environment. UPSA's mission to enhance the student experience aligns with her personal and professional goals, and she is excited to be part of a group that makes a positive impact on the York University community.

"My legacy could never be undone."

 - Nicki Minaj 


 "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." 

- Nelson Mandela