Hunter Safety Course

Hunter - Trapper Education Training Course - Next course at UPSA is to be determined

Additional information to follow, and will be posted to the schedule linked below

Upper Perkiomen Sportsman's Association offers a Hunter - Trapper Education Course instructed by our club members who are certified instructors.

If you are interesting in this training event, please check schedule to register for up coming session dates.

*You must be at least 11 years of age to register for this class!

Hunter Trapper Education

New to hunting or taking your kids out for the first time and need the required hunter trapper education. Then why not bring them to UPSA to obtain the required certification. Our course covers the fundaments as required by the PA Game Commission:

1) Introduction to Hunter and Trapper Education

2) Be a Responsible and Ethical Hunter

3) Know Your Firearm Equipment

4) Wildlife and Conservation Management

5) Outdoor Safety

6) Basic Hunting Techniques

7) Advanced Hunting Techniques

8) Trapping and Fur taking Basics

9) Basic Shooting Skills

10) Safe Hunting Skills

11) Expanding Your Opportunities

The course is taught by Certified Instructors. Upon completion of the course, participants will receive the Pennsylvania Game Commission Hunter-Trapper Certification Card.

Safety Training

UPSA certified instructors occasionally teamed with a Game Warden, will be teaching from the PA Hunter & Safety Guide book supplied to all attendees of the Hunter Safety Course.

Classroom Training

This is a six-hour training class is designed to guide you with hands-on training of hunting related skills and knowledge. This includes gun handling safety and responsible hunting skills.

Safety Testing

You must pass the written certification exam to complete this training which is required by law for all first-time hunters and trappers before they can buy a license.