
"In my college, we embarked on a project to write a book dedicated to the inspiring individuals of Bhavnagar, the dedicated 'karmayogi' who selflessly work for the betterment of society. Meeting these remarkable people, conducting interviews, and documenting their stories was not just a project but a deeply fulfilling experience.

After diligent efforts, we completed the book and published it. The sense of gratitude and fulfillment that followed was immense. It was more than just a task; it was a journey of connection, understanding, and appreciation for the unsung heroes among us.

Rewriting this experience is not just about the words on paper; it's about reliving the gratitude and humility that filled each moment of this endeavor."

Embracing the art of poetry, I delved into the depths of my creativity, weaving emotions into verses. Among the many poems penned, one held a special place in my heart. The day it found its way into the pages of Saurashtra Samachar newspaper was etched into my memory with golden ink.

As the ink danced on the pristine paper, my words found a stage, reaching hearts beyond the confines of my own. It wasn't just a poem published; it was a moment of validation, a whisper of recognition from the vast world of literature.

That day, as I held the newspaper in my hands, I felt the weight of accomplishment mingled with the lightness of joy. Each word, each line, now adorned with the pride of publication, echoed the journey of my passion for poetry.

In rewriting this memory, I revisit not just the words but the euphoria of seeing my creation bloom beyond the pages of my notebook, spreading its wings in the realm of public appreciation.

I loved writing poems, and I wrote a lot of them. Then one day, something incredible happened - one of my poems got published in the e-magazine "Dagalu." It was such a special and unforgettable day for me. Seeing my poem in print made me really happy. It felt like all my hard work and passion for writing had paid off.
