About me

Hi there! Welcome to Upasna Goswami's digital portfolio, where words come to life and stories unfold, showcasing her unwavering passion for literature and her dedication to academic excellence.

Upasna Goswami is a master's student in the Department of English at MKBU. Her academic journey began at Smt NC Gandhi and Smt BV Gandhi Mahila Arts and Commerce College in Bhavnagar, where she completed her undergraduate studies.

From a very young age, Upasna has had a deep passion for poetry. She finds incredible power in weaving words together to evoke emotions and create vivid imagery. Poetry is not just a hobby for Upasna; it is a part of who she is.

In her digital portfolio, Upasna aims to capture the essence of her academic journey. She will take you through her early days of exploring literature and her current pursuit of mastery in English studies. Each step along the way has played a role in shaping Upasna into the person she is today.

Through easy language and engaging content, Upasna hopes to share her experiences, inspirations, and achievements with others. She invites you to join her as she navigates the world of academia, immerses herself in the beauty of language, and continues to grow as both a student and a poet.