Academic  Events 

Participating in seminars can offer fresh perspectives on subjects and inspire new ideas. While I hadn't been to many seminars before, I decided to volunteer for this one. It was a National Seminar hosted by The Department of English at MKBU, Bhavnagar.

Being a student of this department, I learned valuable lessons about responsibility and effective management. I got firsthand experience in organizing and providing hospitality to guests. Here's a glimpse of that enriching day.

National Seminar 

Leadership Event 

As the Mass Media Committee leader, I had the privilege of organizing two educational visits for our group. The first visit was to the Saurashtra Samachar news channel, where we had the opportunity to witness firsthand the inner workings of a prominent media outlet. From observing the production process to understanding the editorial decisions behind news selection, every aspect of the visit provided invaluable insights into the functioning of a news channel.

The second visit took us to the Gujarat Samachar printing press, where we gained a deeper understanding of the printing and distribution processes involved in newspaper production. Witnessing the massive printing presses in action, with the rhythmic hum of machinery echoing through the facility, was truly awe-inspiring. We learned about the meticulous attention to detail required to ensure accuracy and timeliness in newspaper printing, from typesetting to final distribution.

Both visits proved to be immensely helpful in enhancing our understanding of the media industry. They offered a practical dimension to our theoretical knowledge, bridging the gap between classroom learning and real-world application. As Mass Media Committee leader, facilitating these educational experiences was not only fulfilling but also essential in preparing our group for future endeavors in the field of media and journalism.

Techers Day 2022-23 

Let's begin with a heartfelt thank you to all my teachers who have empowered me to stand tall and advocate for myself. Traditionally, Teacher's Day hasn't been my favorite, not because I dislike teaching, but rather because I'm not fond of wearing a saree as part of the celebration. So, I used to skip school on Teacher's Day or not participate in the festivities.

I pursue my Master's degree, Teacher's Day holds a different significance for me. This time, we celebrated it uniquely by recording videos on literary topics and uploading them to YouTube. It was an eye-opening experience, realizing how challenging it can be to record oneself and edit videos, yet it was also exhilarating.

Here's a glimpse of Teacher's Day 2022 from my Master's program: to make it even more special, we created certificates for all participants in the quiz we organized. You can find all the Teacher's Day certificates attached in the Achievement section.