Who-is-Who: Contacts and Useful Resources

Early-career Staff Representatives: Igor Chernyavsky, Vandita Patel, Neil Morrison and Carl Whitfield  [ Contact us ]

General (Support Staff)

If locked, please contact a member of Maths Ops via maths-ops@manchester.ac.uk.

IT Support

(if you have difficulties logging in, try entering the password as "userpass,sms" to receive a code to your registered phone, and then log in with "userpass,code")To request a phone number or to report an issue, please contact maths-ops@manchester.ac.ukTo activate: click "Edit Profile" -> scroll down to "Visibility" -> set to "Public" -> click "Save".To add your email or other contact details: click "Edit Profile" -> scroll down to "Organisational affiliations" -> click "Edit" next to your primary affiliation -> add an email address or other contact details -> click the "Update" and then "Save" buttons below.Alternatives: UoM Research Data Storage (RDS) or Microsoft OneDrive, SharePoint & Shared Areas


(email maths-ops@manchester.ac.uk if you do not have access)

Conference Travel Funds for Early-career Researchers

See also PGR Life for travel and general career support (for PhD students)

Library & Media