Maths Compute Servers

A number of Linux compute servers (totalling ~200 CPU cores) are available for the use of all staff and PhD students in the Department of Mathematics. These servers, known as the "CS" machines, are most suitable for modest computing jobs, i.e. for those that take less than about a day to complete and up to ~10 CPU cores. Use of this system requires at least a basic familiarity with Linux. Research IT run training courses on this and many other topics in scientific computing.

Important: if you are new to high-performance computing, please follow the Code of Conduct. In particular,
- do NOT run any computational jobs on the login server node [see below]
- always check the compute server load (using $ top) and be reasonable in your usage if the server is busy
- use $ nice for long-running jobs
- use /home/scratch/your_username/ (or /tmp on cs13,14) to store large or numerous temporary files

Technical Support: Chris Page ( and Jimmy Cullen (

$ ssh -Y

Note: if you use MacOS or Windows, you will need to install an X Server locally in order to run graphical applications.

$ ssh -Y csN

Note: on self-managed campus-based MacOS/Linux machines, use ssh -Y, where X is the reference letter ('a' to 'l') from the table below.

$ module avail  # check available distributions

$ module load matlab/2022a

Note: CS1-CS8,12 are run in a single-thread mode (CPU HT is switched off). For other servers, the effective number of cores is two-fold.

$ nohup nice your_program_name your_program_arguments &> output.log

Here, output.log  is the file that you want to redirect the console output & errors of your program to. An example for batch-running a MATLAB .m script is

$ nohup matlab -nodisplay -batch "your_script_name" -logfile output.log

Disk access

The CS servers and vummath login server share a single Maths Linux home directory, where files can be stored. Please see below more details on how to connect to it remotely.

Important: Large or temporary output files (particularly if these are numerous) should usually be written to the fast 'scratch' disk space at /home/scratch, which can store several TB. This directory can be read from and written to by all users. You should first create a new directory /home/scratch/your_username and use this to store any large temporary files. The scratch disk space is suitable for short-term storage of large program outputs, but not backed up and is not suitable for longer term file storage. Longer term storage for large datasets is available on the University Research Data Storage service. Also, there are centrally hosted COMSOL Multiphysics licences available for teaching and (as an access-fee service) for research. 

Code of Conduct

Please contact Chris Johnson or Chris Page with any questions or suggestions 

Maths Compute Servers

Connecting to the UoM & Maths Network Drives

Important: before you start, please make sure you have installed and are connected to GlobalProtect (see general guidelines).

Mounting remote file systems from Linux / MacOS 

If not already available,  install sshfs (e.g.,  $ apt install sshfs  on Ubuntu; see the end note on how to install this on Mac OS)

$ sshfs ~/Shared/MathsLinuxHome/

$ fusermount -u ~/Shared/MathsLinuxHome/  # unmount

$ sshfs ~/Shared/RDS/

$ fusermount -u ~/Shared/RDS/

$ sudo mount -t cifs -o user=USERNAME,,sec=ntlmsspi,uid=`id -u`,gid=`id -g` //$ ~/Shared/PDrive/

$ sudo umount ~/Shared/PDrive/

$ rclone --vfs-cache-mode writes mount onedrive: ~/Shared/OneDrive  # assuming remote connection name 'onedrive'

$ sudo umount ~/Shared/OneDrive/

Alternatively, download and use onedrive synchronisation tool (see Blackboard discussion space): 

$ ./onedrive --monitor --resync --sync-shared-folders

$ google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/Shared/GDrive/

$ fusermount -u ~/Shared/GDrive/RDS-SSH Research IT storage

$ dbxfs ~/Shared/Dropbox/

$ fusermount -u ~/Shared/Dropbox/

For uploading a large file (> 10 GB) or multiple files, use dropbox_uploader script [somewhat obsolete: rclone is recommended instead; see below]

$ ./dropbox_uploader -s -p upload /LOCAL_FOLDER /REMOTE_FOLDER

Copy/synchronise a secure copy of local files to Dropbox with rclone

If you do not have UoM Business Dropbox account, please first complete the request form (see also the guidelines).

1. Download and install rclone: direct links for Windows, Linux & MacOS (see installation guide).

2. Setup Dropbox access by running the following in a terminal/command shell, following the instructions (select defaults) and then approving rclone access to the UoM Dropbox (note: all your configuration details are stored locally; see more details on
[Linux/MacOS] $ rclone config
[Win] > rclone.exe config

3. Set up Dropbox encryption (assuming your UoM Dropbox storage is called remote:)
(i) Select/create a dedicated folder on your Dropbox, say, remote:/BACKUP
(ii) run rclone config  and select crypt (encrypt other remotes), following the instructions and pointing it to remote:/BACKUP
  (iii) test the secure remote (assuming you called it secure:)
[Linux/MacOS] $ rclone ls secure:
[Win] > rclone.exe ls secure:

4. Copy local files to your secure Dropbox space (remove --dry-run for actual transactions)
[Linux/MacOS] $ rclone copy --dry-run --tpslimit 12 -PL /local/path/ secure:
[Win] > rclone.exe copy --dry-run --tpslimit 12 -P C:\...\local\path\ secure:

NOTE 1: There is a slightly less well-tested GUI mode that may be more intuitive (please use with caution):
$ rclone rcd --rc-web-gui
NOTE 2: If you want to keep the remote copy identical to your local copy, you could use the sync option, but please always use --dry-run first!
[Linux/MacOS] $ rclone sync --dry-run --tpslimit 12 -PL /local/path/ secure:
[Win] > rclone.exe sync --dry-run --tpslimit 12 -P C:\...\local\path\ secure:

5. * Mounting (connecting) the secure Dropbox space as a local drive/folder, without using extra storage space on your local machine.
(i) Unless you are running Linux, you first need to install WinFsp for Windows and FUSE-T for MacOS.
(ii) To mount (connect) the remote secure storage, use the following in the terminal/command shell:
[Linux/MacOS] $ rclone mount secure: /local/path-to-mount --vfs-cache-mode writes
[Win] > rclone.exe mount secure: X: --network-mode --vfs-cache-mode writes
(iii) To unmount (disconnect), just press [Ctrl]+[C] (Win/Linux) or [Cmd]+[.] (MacOS).
Please see rclone mount for more details and caveats, in particular, for Windows and MacOS users.

Accessing Network Drives from a File Browser 

(Based on the how-to instructions prepared by Aaron Russell)

1.   [Linux]  Open "Nautilus" file manager and click "Connect to server".

[Mac OS]  Open "Finder" and click "Go" -> "Connect to Server".

[Windows]  Launch file manager and right-click on "This PC" -> "Map Network Drive".

2. In the "Server address" box enter the following and click "Connect":

[Linux/Macsmb://$  or  smb://$/


[Linuxs<Username>   (replace <Username> with your UoM user name)

[Linux/Macsmb://$/snapped/replicated/<Folder>   or  smb://$/snapped/replicated/<Folder>

[Windows\\\epsrss$\snapped\replicated\<Folder>   (where <Folder> is your group's research share on the RDS)

Alternative method: access Maths Linux Home via sshfs from Mac OS

$ brew cask install osxfuse

$ brew install sshfs

$ sshfs -o reconnect -o defer_permissions -o noappledouble -o volname=MathsLinuxHome <Username><Username> ~/Desktop/MathsLinuxHome/

$ fusermount -u ~/Desktop/MathsLinuxHome/  # unmount

Complied by Igor Chernyavsky with contributions by Chris Johnson, Paul Johnson and Aaron Russell