
Our experience and expertise span the investigation of Li-ion, Na-ion, Li-S, Li-O2, multivalent, and aqueous Zn batteries; solid electrolytes and all-solid-state-batteries; solid-state electrochemistry; operando electrochemical studies (XRD, UV-Vis, Raman, etc.); cell design & development; materials development & optimization; nanomaterials and composites; solid-state & inorganic chemistry. Currently, we are focusing on the following topics.

All Solid State Batteries 

 Development of all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) and battery components using solid electrolytes.

Novel Solid Electrolytes

Development of novel inorganic and polymeric solid electrolytes with superior alkali metal ion (Li+, Na+ etc.) conductivity.

Aqueous Zn batteries

Aqueous rechargeable Zn (anode) batteries for large-scale (grid-storage, renewable, home) stationary storage applications.

Opaerando Analysis

Operando analyses of battery materials and novel operando cell development for XRD, RAMAN etc. 


Dr. Sai Gautam Gopalakrishnan

IISc Bangalore, India

Dr. Neeraj Sharma

Solid State and Materials Chemistry Group 

UNSW, Australia

Dr. Pieremanuele Canepa 

Canepa Research Lab 

NUS, Singapore

Dr. Priyank Kumar

UNSW, Australia

Dr. Erlantz Lizundia 

Life cycle Thinking Research Group

University of the Basque Country, Spain

Dr. Cyrille Andre Boyer


UNSW, Australia