6/7 (Wednesday)

European Transportation - Density & Mixed Use

How does it feel and why should we care?

Reading 1

Reading 2


Port of Rotterdam Tour (Rotterdam)

Explore the nexus of water resources and transportation.


Rotterdam Noord (Rotterdam) (51.928784, 4.466251)


Meet across the street from the Grand Cafe-Restaurant Blij. This is about a quarter-mile north of the Rotterdam Central Station.

Plan for the Course (1:30-2:00)

Summarize our plan for the transportation course. Introduce the scavenger hunt. We will be doing most activities in groups of 3.

Accessing Amenities (2:00-4:00)

You're going to imagine that you live in this residential neighborhood and need to get to normal, everyday amenities without a car. Find the closest of each of these locations and note how long it takes you to get to them from the starting point. Describe the journey. Did you feel safe? Was it comfortable or even enjoyable? Were the destinations too far away? What interesting things did you see on your way there? Would this work for you on a day-to-day basis? Now imagine getting to each of these places in ABQ. Is it possible by any modes other than driving?

Group 1: Church, Grocery Store, Elementary School, Park, Post Office, Dry Cleaner, Gym

Group 2: Park, Dentist, Bank, Pharmacy, Bike Shop, Florist, Playground

Group 3: Post Office, Clothes Store, Pharmacy, Grocery Store, Library, Elementary School, Park

Group 4: Coffee Shop, Library, Grocery Store, Bike Shop, Church, Dry Cleaner, Book Store

Group 5: Dry Cleaner, Bike Shop, Florist, Shoe Shop, Dentist, Bank, Post Office

Group 6: Shoe Shop, Book Store, Florist, Church, Grocery Store, Bank, Post Office

Group 7: Bus Stop, Playground, Gym, Grocery Store, Coffee Shop, Florist, Bank

Implications (4:00-5:00)

Discuss the implications of what you've experienced in terms of: