Research Challenge

La CFA - Research Challenge è la competizione di finanza organizzata da CFA Institute alla quale ogni anno partecipano le migliori università al mondo. In collaborazione con FactSet, Fidelity International e PwC, CFA Society Italy coordina la sfida locale che coinvolge gli studenti di 8 atenei italiani (Università Bocconi, Università Cattolica di Milano, Politecnico di Milano, Università Ca’ Foscari, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Università di Pavia, Libera Università di Bolzano e Università Politecnica delle Marche).

Ciascun team, disponendo delle competenze di merito di un mentor e professionista CFA e dei sistemi analitici e finanziari FactSet, ha il compito di analizzare una società quotata in Borsa Italiana. Partendo da una sessione di confronto aperto e diretto con il top management e il team di investor relator dell’azienda selezionata, gli studenti in gara dovranno redigere un report “Initial Coverage” e presentare il proprio lavoro in lingua inglese a due panel distinti di professionisti del settore finanziario, tra cui analisti, gestori di portafoglio e responsabili degli investimenti.

Secondo gli standard disposti da CFA Institute, la competizione si svolge su tre livelli. Alla prima fase nazionale, che si chiude con la vittoria della migliore squadra italiana, seguiranno le fasi regionali e quella globale. ll team vincente della finale italiana avrà l’opportunità di partecipare alla finale regionale EMEA. La finale globale si disputerà in aprile con le squadre finaliste di Asia Pacifico e Americhe.

The UNIVPM Research Challenge Teams since 2017



Team: Alessia di Buò, Marco Mariotti, Andrea Spadaccini, Luca Giacani

Report Presentazione



Team: Simone Cardarelli, Federica De Ascentiis, Dritas Gramo, Simone Pirani, Matteo Schirru

Report Presentazione



Team: Fabio Andruccioli, Alessandra Ciullo, Michele Marinelli, Giulia Pepolino, Federico Ricci

Report Presentazione



Team: Alessandro Colussi, Davide Turchi, Federico Resta, Chiara Treddenti, Lorenzo Versaci

Report Presentazione Booklet

The Research Challenge at Università Politecnica delle Marche

Master of Science in Economics & Finance - CFA Research Challenge

Università Politecnica delle Marche - one of the best ranked mid-size university in Italy – has today more than 16,500 students and 1,100 professors, researchers and administrative staff. Its course catalogue is made up of 21 undergraduate programs, 19 graduate degree courses (5 in English) and 10 PhD programs, organized into 12 Departments and 5 Schools. Established in 1959, the Faculty of Economics “Giorgio Fuà” is one of the most renowned School of Economics in Italy and provides students with an outstanding teaching offering in all major economics, business and finance areas from BA to PhD. The master program in Economics and Finance has three areas of specialization, with the Program for Financial Analyst being the core one. The curriculum is designed to provide an optimal balance between theory and practical applications and provides key skills in the major areas of finance (accounting, corporate finance, quantitative finance, financial markets and derivatives). The other two programs focus on Actuarial Studies and Banking & Financial Markets.

The strong engagement of the faculty with the Italian industrial and financial sector and the partnerships with universities in Europe, Asia and the US give students robust skills and competencies to address effectively the challenges of global integration and successfully enter the international labor market. Università Politecnica delle Marche, through the degree program “Financial Analyst”, is affiliated university of CFA Institute.


Matteo Cassiani, CFA, CIPM – Advisory Private, Fideuram Investimenti SGR

From December 2017, he is part of the Advisory Desk at Fideuram Investimenti SGR. Previously, he was Head of Portfolio Management at Banca Popolare di Vicenza, during the restructuring process of the Bank. From 2008 to 2015, he was Head of Equities at the Wealth Management Division of BMPS, covering HNWI. Matteo started his career as an analyst and, then, as senior portfolio manager at Arca SGR. From 2011 to 2016 he was President of CFA Society Italy. Before, he served as Treasurer and Officer of the Society from 2009 to 2011. He is Member of the Board of Directors of CFA Society Italy from 2008. He is also Adjunct Professor at Università Politecnica delle Marche, Faculty of Economics, from a.y. 2015/16. He earned the CFA Charter in 2004 and the CIPM Certificate in 2017. He has been an active volunteer of CFA Society Italy and CFA Institute since 2008.

Faculty Advisor

Marco Cucculelli

Marco Cucculelli (PhD in Economics, Rome – Tor Vergata) is professor of Economics at the Dept of Economics at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, where he teaches Financial Economics, Corporate Finance and Industrial Economics. Marco is the director of the Master in Economics and Finance at UNIVPM and coordinates the PhD in Economics. He is a member of the MoFiR - Money and Finance Research Group, an Associate Editor of the Journal of Small Business Management (Wiley) and the Italian Economic Journal (Springer). He has been a visiting professor at Indiana University, St. Andrews University, Cracow University and the George Washington University. He was Fulbright Distinguished Chair at the University of Pittsburgh. In 2011-14, Marco was elected Director at-large to the Board of the ICSB in Washington, D.C. (USA). He has been external expert for the EU ex-post evaluation programs on “Financial instruments for enterprise support” and he is presently evaluator for EIC Accelerator SME Instrument. Marco is the Secretary General of the Italian Economic Association for the term 2019-2022.