Best Degrees and Online Programs

University HQ was created to become the largest resource for prospective students to find the best colleges, plan their career path and learn the best ways to pay for college. Our entire team is dedicated to providing potential students the resources needed to become as successful as possible and have an educated roadmap of your desired career choice.

We want you to quickly and easily be able to find the best schools, know what they offer, how much classes will cost, how to pay for college and how much you can earn with a bachelors or master's degree after your graduate. These are all important considerations that need to be addressed. From the entire team at UHQ, we look forward to the opportunity to being apart of your next steps.

University Headquarters

One of the starting points of how to earn a degree online is to select a service that will help you with determining the many program types and schools that are available. Once you enter the important details and study preferences, they then will use their database of schools and programs to provide listings of possible matches for you to select from. Next, decide what course of action that you prefer to take, either a regular online degree or an accelerated degree program. Although some forms of online degrees may appear to be accelerated due to the fact that you have flexibility in your schedule, there are actually degree programs that put you on the fast track through accelerated course studies. Be also mindful that if you are looking for the quickest degree then your best bet is to get started with an accelerated program provided by online universities. With an accelerated program you can finish your degree in less than 2 years.

Once you have determined the type of curriculum and school, begin the admissions process immediately. Although the normal admissions process with conventional colleges can usually take several months for approval, the online process is only a fraction of this time. It still imperative to start the process as early as possible. Keep in mind that some programs are 100% online and others will require some on-campus or physical attendance to meet all program criteria.

Many students fail to utilize transferring their existing credits to their online programs. Credits as old as ten years old are often time valid to transfer into your new program, so please remember to take advantage of what you have already stored up.

Some Benefits of College Degrees Online

When people think on college business degrees online, they think of a ton of money and a bunch of time involved. In fact, there are many benefits to taking classes online. Some are even surprised to know that in some cases it can be a bit less expensive than if you were to go to a traditional college. Many employers are looking for people who have college or are currently attending. With the down economy, there is much competition for a variety of jobs. Here are a few ways that make online classes popular to many nowadays.

Study and Work at the Same Time

Online classes can work for anyone. Even for those who work full or part time jobs. You can study when you want as long as deadlines are met. You study at your own pace which is a great reason to look into online classes.

More Convenient

College degrees online add convenience. There are no classrooms that you need to go to. You can study from your home in bed in the middle of the night if you choose to do so. This saves on time and gas which is something important to just about all of us.

Study Any Topic

You can choose any topic you want and study online. If you are currently working, you can even further your education to your benefit at your current job.

Save Some Cash

While some think that online classes are expensive, they are actually less expensive. This is because you don't have to pay for books as they are for the most part sent over the internet and you can view them on your computer any time you want.

There are many ways to find college degrees online and there are many websites that will ask you a series of questions to help match you with a school that is best for you.

There are lots of reasons why you might want to get your education without actually setting foot on campus. And now, there are many ways you can do this. If you want to get your bachelor degree online at a university, it takes lots of discipline and determination, but it is convenient and you can do it without moving or having to quit your job.

What Should You Look For In A Program?

There are lots of options for studying on the internet. Most major colleges offer web courses and degrees. There are also institutions and companies that offer degrees on the internet only. It depends on what suits you. You also must keep in mind what employers in your field are looking for. But, how can you tell if this is the real deal or not? Here are some tips that can help you when you are trying to decide what's right for you.

No matter what kind of program you are interested in, you have to make sure it's accredited. This means that it is recognized as being a 'real' educational institution by an official organization. There are six such organizations given the authority by the US Department of Education to offer accreditation. It basically means that the institution meets certain standards of educational quality. If you go to a school that is not accredited, the degree you get may be worthless to employers, so it is important to make sure.

Online Degree Assistance From UHQ

What Degree Program Should I Pick?

One good way to decide what major is best for you is to look at the course catalog and check out the required classes for the major. Do they sound interesting? Is that what you want to study? This will help you determine if that's what you want to do or not.

Another way to decide if a certain program is for your or not, is to look at the faculty. What kind of experience do they have? And what qualifications? Usually, the more PhD's you see, the better. Also, find out where they went to school. Where are their degrees from? A real school has faculty from all over the place, who have graduated from many different schools. If they all graduated from this school, that should tell you right there that this is a scam. Look for real qualifications!

Where the students go after they graduate is also an indication of the quality of the education. Look to see what professional organizations are connected to the school. This will help you when you get out in the real world. Contact someone from the school and talk to them about your educational and professional plans, and see what they have to say. A live person can answer your questions about a particular degree program better than a website or schedule of classes can. After you have consulted someone, see if the program suits your long-term goals or not. Try to find the one that suits you the best. Look at where the school's graduates go and ask yourself, is that where I want to be? It is important to keep looking ahead and thinking about how the education you get now will benefit you for the rest of your life. See also UHQ Engineering Degrees here.

Best Degrees Online 

Here's another thing to keep in mind: if the school accepts everyone who applies, that might be a bad sign. Real schools have entrance requirements that must be met by prospective students.

How Is Studying On The Internet Different?

It may seem obvious, but before getting into a degree program using the internet, make sure that you have a fast, reliable internet connection. Make sure that your computer can handle all the heavy use it's going to get. If you get into the program and start having computer trouble, that will cause big problems. You will spend a lot of time on the web. Most assignments will be there on the internet and you will have to download and upload them. Instead of classroom discussions, you will be communicating through a thread in a forum. In most classes you will be required to log in a certain number of times each week and make contributions to these forums.

Find out from each prospective school what type of support for students is available. Make sure that you are able to communicate with your professors. You will be doing most of the work yourself, but teachers must be accessible. And, can you communicate with the other students in the class? This kind of interaction is an important part of your education, so you have to keep the lines of communication open. Taking a course on the web means that you will have to spend lots of time with a good, reliable computer. Learn more about UHQ - Computer Science Degree

How Much Should I Expect To Pay?

One of the advantages of taking a class like this is that you don't have to pick up and move somewhere. That saves you lots of money on your education. However, if you take a course through a recognized school, you will still be paying tuition and fees. No matter how you do it, education is not cheap. But, doing it that way, you will cut down on your relocation and living expenses, which will help. Even for these kinds of classes, financial aid may be available.

Actually, classes taken over the web often have slightly higher tuition than traditional classes taken on campus. So, you might actually end up paying more. Still, the benefits may outweigh the costs for you. These programs are ideally suited for adult workers. They are designed for working adults, so there is a lot of flexibility. It might be the right choice for you.

How to Choose a College Degree Online

With the popularity of online education as the alternative option for students to pursue their college degree, most colleges are making their degree programs available online. For anyone who is interested in earning a degree without the need to travel back and forth daily to the school, online college degree program is a good option for them. Many students tend to think that choosing a degree online is an easy job, with a few clicks they get registered for their favorite courses. Things do not go as simple as that, there are a few important considerations you need to carefully take into account in selecting a college degree online.

Here are among the most important factors that you need to consider when you perform the degree search & before you decide a degree that best suit you:

1. In-line with your career goal

Most students intend to use the degree to pave their career path, unless you are the exception, you should always in-line your career goal with the degree that you plan to pursue. Spend some times and efforts to analyze the qualification of the career you are interested in, and compare it with the courses offered by your short-listed online college degree programs before you finalize the one that best fit your career goal.

2. Make sure the degree worth the value

In general, most employers are accepting online degrees as the qualification measurement in their recruitment program, but all of them reject the degrees issued by diploma mills. Therefore, one important precaution step that you need to take when searching for a college degree online is to avoid any degree program offered by colleges that are not properly accredited by a recognized accrediting agency. Although colleges without accreditation do not mean they are diploma mills, but in order to ensure you are getting a degree that worth the value and will help in getting start your career smoothly after graduation, you are advised to select a college degree program from an accredited college.

3. Make sure the degree is from a well-known college

You do not want to be questioned about the college where you get your online degree from when you attend a job interview due to the college is unknown by the interviewers. Therefore, getting an online college degree from a well-known with good reputation college should be prioritized in your degree selection. Online degrees from colleges that are well-known in the job market helps to ease the acceptance of your online degree and simplify a job interview process.

4. Make sure financial aid is available if you need it

There are colleges offer financial aids to their students in both campus-based and online degree program. If you are looking for financial aids to fund your online study, then you may want prioritize the colleges that have offered financial aids to their online students. You can check with admission officer of the college regarding their financial aid packages specially dedicated for students who pursue their college degree online.

College Degrees

Do You Need an Affordable College Degree Online?

Usually, the phrase "affordable college degree online" is not synonymous with "affordable," even bordering on being an oxymoronic phrase. However, finding an affordable college degree online does not have to be an oxymoron. As Einstein himself put it, "All things are relative."

What are the Different Degree Options and Levels?

Helpful Tools and Suggestions

Affordable college degrees online serve-up a variety of advantages to a myriad of different people.

If you currently have a job, choosing an affordable college degree online makes a lot of sense. Choose your own hours to participate in class and do class work, within set deadlines of course. Avoid having to deal with the inconveniences of a brick-and-mortar school.

No need to fight traffic en route to and coming from school or any issues about atrociously over-crowded parking conditions that exist at many colleges and universities.

Additionally, an affordable college degree online will still give you most of the exposure to other students and still lets you to fully interact and participate with them, just like in a physical classroom, all from your comfy bed or recliner at home.

However, do not think that the course material and assignments are going to be any less challenging and involved than they are in traditional colleges. You still have to work and think hard to get through an online college because nothing in life that is really good is easy.

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Degree Options

If at all possible, try to speak with a college representative on the phone to get more information on things like credit hours, tuition, and financial aid. In any good online school - such as Kaplan, Strayer, Penn Foster, and DeVry - you will typically have a representative all-to yourself, meaning that he/she will help with making decisions on just about every aspect of your enrollment at that school.

The Hard Facts About Affordable College Degrees Online

As mentioned earlier, an affordable college Healthcare degree online is indeed relative. It is relative in the sense that college degrees are hardly ever seen as "affordable" and the fact that a good education will cost a significant amount of money but can be made more affordable via services like scholarships and federal loans. Just because you might qualify for a $5,0000 government loan, it does not mean you should immediately press "confirm," which brings us to the following.

Associates Degree Borrow as Little Money as Possible

Make sure you and your financial aid counselor have exhausted all possible avenues -- scholarships, Pell grants, subsidized loans at lower interest rates, and so forth. It may not seem like a big deal at the moment but once you are out of college and have $50,000 to repay, you will regret not taking the time to research all options of paying for school. Thank you so much for reading this editorial, Affordable College Degree Online, and the best of wishes to you and your future.

Just remember to do your research on your target school, find out any and all financial assistance that may be available to you, and get your degree. Aim for the stars.

Bachelor's Degree

Affordable Online Colleges Can Help You Succeed

If there is one thing that you need in today's economy, it is a college degree. Whether you are thinking of pursuing a two year degree or want to finish off your master's degree, affordable online colleges are the best way to get your degree and not pay a lot of money for it.

Of course, you want the best education you can afford, but the price of an education can be extremely high, especially if you go to a traditional college. Choosing affordable online colleges instead is a much better way to get your education, and you may end up saving some time, too.

When you go to an online college, you have a lot more flexibility in terms of when and where you take your classes. Not having to show up on an actual campus to take your classes can save you a lot of time, not to mention the money that is involved in commuting and parking. You will also find that the most affordable online colleges have far more flexible schedules which means that you aren't tied into traditional semesters or quarters.

The average amount of time that it takes a person to graduate from a four year college is now well over five years, but when you take classes online, you can speed that up quite a bit. You can get an associate's degree in much less than two years, and in some cases, you can get a four-year degree in two to three years.

If you are serious about getting the job that you want and would like to make more money during your lifetime, then it goes without saying that a college degree is necessary. Thankfully, you can now get one online affordably, and get your hands on that diploma much quicker, too.

Getting a bachelor's degree online is the perfect way for stay-at-home moms, busy professionals and retirees to further their education. With an online education you are able to schedule your coursework around your busy lifestyle and do it from the comfort of your own home. It is also a very wise financial decision. On average, the lifetime earnings of an individual with a bachelor's degree is double the amount one would earn with only a high school diploma.

Location is not a factor as it would be when deciding to attend a traditional brick-and-mortar university. There is no need to attend class on campus or even show up to register for classes. Because all of your learning will be done remotely, location will not help you to narrow your choices. Most online universities offer bachelor's degree programs, and if you're looking at a common area of study like business then you'll have the option of attending most online universities.

A bachelor's degree is the most common type of collegiate degree that students pursue, and with the boom of online education there is a great deal of online programs from which to choose. So how do you choose an online university to attend?

Inevitably, the next question you'll ask yourself when choosing an online bachelor's degree is about affordability. Determining which online university is best for you financially takes a great deal of research and planning - all of which can be overwhelming. To get you started, here's a list of ten of the most affordable universities for an online bachelor's degree.

10 Most Affordable Universities for an Online Bachelor's Degree

Nova Southeastern University - NSU has been offering online courses since 1972, thus their online course platform offers a tremendous range of activities that facilitate frequent student-teacher and student-student interactions. They also pride themselves on their electronic library stocked with many full-text documents. The average cost of an online bachelor's degree at NSU is $21,000.

Salem International University - Salem University Online is the virtual extension of the renowned Salem International University campus located in West Virginia. They offer an accelerated course program or you can choose to take one class at a time - whatever fits into your busy schedule. Each credit hour at Salem University Online costs between $450 and $575.

Master's Degree

Western Governor's University - A private, non-profit online university, Western Governor's University was established in 1997 by 19 U.S. governors. It was designed to focus on five core themes: responsiveness to employment and societal needs, a focus on competency-based education, expanding access, cost-effectiveness, and development of a technology infrastructure. Tuition for the Western Governor's University is $2,896 per 6-month term.

Colorado Technical University - CTU online prides itself on giving its students the ability to interact with other students and their teachers online in chat rooms and discussions, as well as social clubs, social media outlets and campuses around Denver. The mentor program sets CTU online apart from many of their online university competitors. The average cost for an online bachelor's degree at CTU is $30,600.

Affordable Online Degrees - How Do You Find Them

Today people's schedules are very busy with work, taking care of kids, their house etc. There are also lots of people who want to study but can't because they also need to work for their families and their survival. But now since we are in the computer age you can study online.

There are now schools that are accredited to teach anyone that is interested to study. People may think that it is expensive to study online but the truth is it's much more affordable compared to when you really actually go to a campus based school. Here are some advantages and disadvantage when you study online.

You can save more money because you don't need to go to the school so you don't need buy gas for your car or pay parking fees etc. Plus you save time; you won't need to run around the house because you need to catch the bus.  When you're studying online you'll just stay in the comforts of your home or at a restaurant or anywhere you feel comfortable so as long as there is an internet connection.

You can finish on your own pace compared to when you go to school. You can finish much faster because you do it on your own time at your convenience.

One of the advantages is the World Wide Web; you can easily find the research material you need for your desired course.

A disadvantage will be motivation, you need to keep motivated for you to keep on going.

Another disadvantage may be discipline. You need to discipline yourself so that you can finish. You need to be determined to finish what you have started. If it is time for work then you have to work and if it's time to study then you need to study.

Doctorate Degree

Champlain College - Champlain College realizes the hectic life the average student leads. Keeping this in mind, they've made some of their courses only seven weeks long, giving students the ability to continue their education in a fast-paced environment that matches a fast-paced lifestyle. The average cost of an online bachelor's degree at Champlain College is $30,788.

American InterContinental University - Founded in 1970 in Europe, American InterContinental University currently has six campuses across the U.S. and Europe, but its online campus offices are officially located in Hoffman Estates, Illinois. The tuition for an online bachelor's degree at American InterContinental University is $32,540.

University of Phoenix - The University of Phoenix has campuses is more than 200 locations and offers online programs in most countries around the world. It has more than 100 degree programs and offers specialty degree accreditation programs in nursing, business, teacher education and counseling. The average cost for an online bachelor's degree from the University of Phoenix is $32,000.

Learn more about Doctorate Degree

College Degree Resource

Tips in Finding Affordable Online Education

Virtual universities are comparable with the normal colleges and universities in all aspects, including the fact that there are some that offer affordable online education rates while some have very expensive fees. Thus, one has to be equipped with the proper resources and knowledge in order to find the most affordable online education that one can avail of. This may take some time to figure out, and several search results to study and deal with, but once you have identified the best choice, all the effort you have put into the search will definitely be well worth it.

The field of study or course that one wants to take is one of the major considerations in looking for an affordable online education program. Courses that are in demand will have a tendency to charge higher rates compared to other courses. However, there is also a possibility that people are not choosing the low demand courses because it is difficult to find a job that is related to that particular course. Thus, in searching for affordable online education programs, one needs to have a list of possible courses to choose from, and identify which among the list can present higher chances of getting a better job in the future.

Once the specific course or field of study is identified, the next thing that one should consider is the rates that each university or college charges. One can refer to the rates being offered by community colleges in order to find affordable online education schools and universities. There are several websites that compile a list of the rates of different schools based on a specific course or degree. It is also important to note that the price per unit is not enough to say that a university is offering affordable online education. One also has to take the time to look at miscellaneous or other fees that need to be paid in order to enroll for a specific course.

Accredited Colleges for Your Degree

Finding affordable online education programs may seem to be an endless process, but one needs to have enough patience and determination in order to get not just the cheapest rates, but also be able to get the most value out of his money. It can be easy to find an affordable online education program, but without adequate knowledge and research, one may end up paying for something that will not be useful in the future, or something that just looks affordable, but turns out to be very expensive because of the hidden charges. Thus, one has to be able to pick the best and most affordable deal out of hundreds of schools and courses to choose from.

Liberty University - Located in Lynchburg, Virginia, Liberty University is a private liberal arts degree Christian Evangelical school founded in 1971 by Jerry Falwell. The online university offers more than 60 programs of study. The average cost of an online bachelor's degree at Liberty University is $35,400.

Upper Iowa University - UIU operates on a two-at-a-time curriculum which offers multiple eight-week terms each year that you can jump into at any time. Several companies have educational agreements with UIU through the Corporate Advantage Program. Their employees enjoy benefits, including tuition discounts. Each credit hour at UIU costs $333, and the average cost of an online bachelor's degree is $39,960.

When researching the cost of a bachelor's degree online, it is important to note that each school will list their tuition and fees differently. Some charge per credit hour or per course while others make you pay tuition per semester or per year. Some even charge a flat rate for as many classes as you can handle. Be sure to do the math so that you know you are comparing all the tuition and fees correctly. If you are unsure as to how many credits/courses constitute a bachelor's degree, go to our online degree section and click on bachelor's degree. You may see also the Best Online Math & Science Degrees

Dickinson State University - Dickinson State University is located in Dickinson, North Dakota, and its main goal is "to contribute to the intellectual, social, economic and cultural development" in Southwestern North Dakota. Each credit hour at Dickinson State University is $238.

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