FAQ - Retirees

How do I remain a USA member when I retire?

Be on the lookout for a letter from the USA in late fall/early winter. You will be asked to send along your retiree dues, which is $15/year. As long as you remain a member of the United Staff Association, you are entitled to the benefits provided by NYSUT, as well as Welfare Fund benefits [additional fee].

How much are the Welfare Fund benefits after I retire?

Single Vision, Dental and Variable - $60/month

Family Vision, Dental, and Variable - $150/month

Legal Benefits - $90/year (one time opt in period)

Please contact Jenna Larkin, Welfare Fund Chairperson, with any questions. jlarkin@pnwboces.org [Contributions are current as of February 2021. Subject to change.]

When do I get a bill for my (Aetna) health insurance?

PNW BOCES Human Resources will send you a bill in June each year. The payment period is for July 1 - June 30. Please contact Courtney Fusco with any questions about health insurance (currently Aetna). cfusco@pnwboces.org or 914.248.2313

When do new retirees make their first health insurance payment?

The payment is due on the last day of work.

What does the contract say about health insurance contributions for retirees?

The Board shall pay the full cost of health insurance to all members of the bargaining unit who retired prior to July 1, 1996.

Members of the bargaining unit who retire into the NYS Teachers’ Retirement System or the NYS Employees’ Retirement System between July 1, 1996, and June 30, 2013, will be required to pay the dollar contribution that they were making just prior to their retirement. This contribution would remain constant throughout the retirement period.

For unit members employed as of June 30, 2013 who retire on or after July 1, 2013 vesting will be based upon a minimum vesting period of 10 years and for those hired on or after July 1, 2013 vesting will be based on a minimum of 15 years of continuous employment. In the event that a unit member is excessed the provision of continuous employment is waived, as long as the employee returns to BOCES immediately upon being offered a position to return.

Members of the bargaining unit hired on or after July 1, 2013 who retire into the New York State Retirement System (Teachers’ Retirement System or Employees’ Retirement System) must vest 15 years of service to P/NW BOCES in order to receive Health Insurance in Retirement and will be required to pay the percentage contribution that they were making in their last year of active employment with BOCES throughout retirement.

Members of the bargaining unit hired prior to July 1, 2013 and with less than 25 years of service upon retirement, who retire into the New York State Retirement System (Teachers’ Retirement System or Employees’ Retirement System) on or after July 1, 2013 vest upon reaching 10 years of Service to P/NW BOCES and will pay the same percentage of Health Insurance as they did in their last year of active employment with BOCES. This percentage will remain constant throughout retirement, with the exception that the dollar amount that the employee pays throughout retirement shall not increase to more than one and a half times the dollar amount paid in the first year of retirement.

Members of the bargaining unit hired prior to July 1, 2013 and who have 25+ years of service upon retirement, who retire into the New York State Retirement System (Teachers’ Retirement System or Employees’ Retirement System) on or after July 1, 2013 vest upon reaching 10 years of Service to P/NW BOCES, and in the last year of employment, the percent contribution will be converted to a flat dollar amount that will remain constant in retirement.

How do I notify the USA if my contact information changes?

Send an email to carmistousa@gmail.com with your new information.