NOTE: COVID related leaves, policies and guidelines are in constant flux at the state and federal level. Contact HR for the most up-to-date information.

I made a vaccination appointment! It's during the school day. What kind of "time" do I take?

On 3/12/21, the Governor signed legislation granting all employees up to four hours of paid leave per dose to receive a COVID vaccination. Read more about the vaccine leave here.

What if I have side effects from the vaccine?

If you have side effects from the vaccine, you will fail the screener and be asked to stay home until you are well. If you are feeling well enough, there is a chance you will be given the opportunity to work remotely. If you are too ill to work, you will take a sick day. Being that this would be considered a side effect of the vaccine and not a symptom of COVID, you are not entitled to COVID leave. Should your side effects last longer than 48 hours, they will be treated as COVID symptoms. Procedures outlined in the NYS COVID Toolkit will then be followed. [NOTE: COVID related leaves, policies and guidelines are in constant flux at the state and federal level. Contact HR for the most up-to-date information.]

I failed the screener! Now what!?

You will get a phone call from HR. Depending on the reason why you failed the screener, there will be different procedures to be followed. Examples: Did you fail based on a documented symptom of an illness you have? You may be able to report to work. Did you fail because of a side effect of the vaccination? You will be asked to stay home until you are symptom free. Did you fail because you have COVID symptoms unrelated to the vaccination or a documented illness? You will have to follow the guidelines outlined in the NYS COVID Toolkit. HR will guide you through these different processes.

What happens if I have to quarantine? What do I do?

Contact HR as soon as possible. If you are well and able to work, you may be given the opportunity to work remotely. If you are ill and unable to work, you may qualify for a COVID leave. [NOTE: COVID related leaves, policies and guidelines are in constant flux at the state and federal level. Contact HR for the most up-to-date information.]

What happens if one of my children has to quarantine and I have to be home to care for him/her?

Contact HR as soon as possible. There will be a number of factors to look at to determine if you will qualify for remote work or if you qualify for a COVID leave.

Do I qualify for NYS COVID-19 Sick Leave?

The best place for up-to-date information about NYS Paid Leave is Be sure to check out the FAQ section on their site.

Where can I find the travel restrictions?

Governor Cuomo announced that beginning April 1, domestic travelers will no longer be required to quarantine after entering New York from another state or US territory. All travelers must continue to fill out the NYS traveler health form and should continue to wear masks, socially distance and avoid large gatherings. NOTE: This begins on April 1st. The guidance Neil sent out on 3/11/21 is currently in effect. Read more about the travel advisory here.