The education industry will be regarded as the worst-hit industry during the pandemic COVID-19 occurred, with institutions scrambling to find solutions to keep their doors open the emergence of online learning platforms such as Google Meet, Microsoft teams, and Zoom may be the solution to ensure the longevity of the education sector itself. Internet accessibility has resulted in an increment in the demand for online learning worldwide. We know well that online learning has managed to attract lots of attention. Nevertheless, many students have faced challenges online, such as hindrances in their comprehensive learning experience and real-time doubt solution. The advantages are getting suppressed by the challenges faced by the students and professors during the learning process.

The first challenge that the students must face during the online process is the adaptability issues in online learning. The adaptability process is regarded as the central issue in our learning process because the conventional way of study has been the primary source for many people to gain knowledge. In contrast, technologies have been mainly used for PowerPoint presentations and watching some tutorial videos of the syllabus that they are studying. Indeed, the students find it challenging to adapt to the online learning method where gadgets and online learning apps such as Google Meet, Mircosoft Teams, and Zoom Meetings are introduced to replace the textbooks, whiteboards, and classrooms the primary source of teaching. For this in terms of the solution, we can say that nowadays, adaptive learning uses Artificial Intelligence to adjust the content according to individual needs. It surely helps provide personalized courses to identify their weaknesses and strengths for better learning outcomes.

The second challenge that the students must face during the online process is the time management problem. Usually, in the online learning mode, distractions will be our number one enemy to use our time management. However, when the workload gets, even more, more distractions must occur at that moment. The online method has made our timetable even packed with attending classes and the assignments' due date. Lectures and teachers tend to give more assignments in the online learning mode to evaluate even more towards the student's progression. However, there is a saying that quality is better than quantity, so rather than giving more assignments to the students to finish it in the duration given, the lectures can draft a specific workload to reduce the unnecessary assignments but at the same time still emphasizes the learning outcome of the syllabus itself because at the end of the term the understanding aspect is well needed to create the society that is skilled and intelligent in various accepts. One of the ways to overcome time management is to create the To-Do List where we can prepare a list of activities on an everyday basis. To have better learning outcomes, we can try to break down extensive activities into smaller ones.

In conclusion, we must accept that the education sector is going through a period of revolution during the pandemic COVID-19 phase. As we are entering the endemic phase, for example, our nation, Malaysia itself, the emergence of the technologies in the education phase must be continued as we approach the Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). Although many have concerns that enhancing the online learning method will reduce the chances of being back to normal such as going on physical classes? Well, for this, in my view, the physical class is well needed to create a better environment for study. However, the teaching method should be upgraded into digitalized to create a society that emphasizes critical thinking- skills in their daily lives.

Written by Ilavarasan A/L Tamilchelvan