About Us

Global Network Club or GNC is under the direct supervision of the oldest faculty in the University of Malaya, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS). Established in July 2014, GNC aims to enhance students' attributes and networking skills through a wide range of globalisation activities, striving in preparing well-rounded individuals with high levels of self-confidence and efficiency.

Our motto, "Bridging The World", aligned with the internationalisation of the faculty, focuses on building a connection between students and universities from all around the world.


The Global Network Club was initiated by the first President, Mr Edwin Jelenggai, who was at that time, a student from the Department of Geography. The idea was to create a right-minded environment by providing a platform for the students of the faculty to engage through internationalization and networking. After a series of negotiations and discussion with the management of the faculty, the club was established on 10th July 2014 and was officiated on 15th November in the same year by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, 

Prof. Dr Md. Sidin Md. Ishak, under the supervision of Mr Ahmad Hilmi Mohamad Noor, Administrative Officer and also Associate Prof. Dr Hanafi Hussin, Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya.

The initial objective of the club was to emphasise international linkage and globalisation, which aims to encourage students to consider their life experience at the faculty to reflect on their aspirations, identify their personal and professional priorities, and establish aims and ambitions. This encourages the students to better engage with international communities and ingrain them with a high level of self-efficiency, self-confidence, and self-esteem, who will be more likely to persist in the face of external obstacles. 

Today, the Global Network Club has succeeded in extending its network with universities all around the world. The club will continue to provide a well-rounded environment for the students of the faculty to take the chance to get out of their comfort zone and grow even more than they can ever imagine.

The first batch of the official GNC members (2014).

 Our Leadership Team


Chief of Executives