Dean's list award

Dean's list award Semester II, 2021/2022

Congratulations to all Dean's List Award recipients!

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Dean List Award ceremony was held physically on 16 March 2023 to celebrate the incredible achievements of the students of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences through presentation of a special video.

Check out the past dean's List award

Dean's List Award 2020/2021

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Dean List Award ceremony was held virtually on 4 June 2021, to celebrate the incredible achievements of the students of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences through presentation of a special video.

On the day of the ceremony, more than 1.3 thousand had viewed it on Global Network Club's YouTube channel, and the participation in the comment section had tenfold the cheer, joy, and air of celebration. View the ceremony again by clicking the video below!

Dean's List Award 2019/2020

For the first time ever, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Dean List Award ceremony was conducted on Youtube, where we screened a special video presentation created to celebrate the great minds of the faculty. The ceremony was premiered on 30th December 2020, with more than 400 participants that attended the event. Check out the ceremony below!