Ulzhalgas Rakhman 

Currently, I am a PhD student at RWTH Aachen University working with Dr. Hector Geffner in  Aachen, Germany. I have been worked at KAIST with Dr.Park, Daehyung. I did my Master at University of Science and Technology (UST) affiliated by KIST School advised by Dr. Nam, Changjoo in RAI Lab,  Division of Nano & Information Technology in Seoul (South Korea).

Research interests: Learning representations, Task and motion planning, Machine learning , Navigation and manipulation

I am interested in task and motion planning, machine learning algorithms for various domains of robotics applications  

News:  Serving as a reviewer in the journal of Automation, Control, and Intelligent Systems 

You can also find me on GitHub , GitLab  and LinkedIn 

 And you can always email me at ulzhalgas.rakhman@ml.rwth-aachen.de  

Contact:  ulzhalgas.rakhman@ml.rwth-aachen.de & ulzhalgas.rakhman@rwth-aachen.de