Usage notes

Quick start, pairing and charging.

Safety First!

Please wear a strap provided when playing! Trust me, you don't want your precious adapter to be sent flying across the room. I haven't done extensive crash tests to know how much punishment the thing can take! I also suggest playing in the area which can accommodate all your wildest swings. Smashing adapter full speed into furniture can lead to catastrophic hardware failure too ;)

Pairing Adapter

Step 1: Switch on the adapter (switch is on the base of the adapter). To switch on the adapter flip the switch to "away from the strap" position. To confirm that the adapter is on, press any button on the adapter -> the led on the top of the ring will blink.

Step 2: Make sure headset is not in sleep mode and access Oculus app on your phone. Go to Menu > Devices (make sure your headset shows as connected).

Step 3: In Oculus app go to Menu > Devices > Headset Settings > Pair New Controller > Pair Q2 Right Controller and follow the on screen prompts (hold Oculus button + B button for a few seconds). Controller should vibrate and be ready to use.

Note: There is no need to unpair first. Pairing new controller will automatically unpair the previous one. If you want to return to you regular controller follow the above with your regular controller.

When done correctly process shouldn't take more then 30 seconds.

It is best to switch off the adapter if not in use to conserve the battery. However if left on, the adapter will behave like regular controller and will go into sleep mode if no motion is detected for certain amount of time.

Charging and storage

To charge the adapter plug it to any USB-C compatible charger. Charger which comes with the Q2 headset will work great.

When plugged charging process will start and the LED light (red or blue) will start blinking from the inside of the port on the adapter. When the charging is finished light will stop blinking and will be on all the time.

Due to construction of the board the LED can sometimes be hard to see especially in very bright environment. Covering the base of the adapter with your hand from the light should be sufficient to see the LED.

Although it is not necessary its best to switch off the adapter during the process of charging as it will shorten the charging time. Also keeping adapter on during the process may trigger charging board to keep going into charging mode again to top-up the battery.

When not in use or traveling please switch off adapter, its like pulling the battery out from your regular controller. This will help with battery life.

Do not use in-game battery indication to estimate battery life as the power board in the adapter will always supply controller with full power until the lipo battery is depleted. Battery have estimated 15 hours+ of play time but your mileage may vary if you for example keep the adapter on at all times.

Paddle position

Update: 10.09.2022 as of preview channel version 2022. position setting for the Ultralight v2 can be found in game paddle adapters settings page.

The following is the outdated way of setting the position: As a starting point please use the following config for Ultralight v2. It may not be perfect especially for seasoned players who can probably notice sub degree discrepancies. But feel free to play with it and adjust it to your preference.

Ultralight v2 - 77511.4

Ultralight v2 left - 77511.5 (for left handed adapters)

Video showing how to apply paddle position setting:

General notes

Update: If possible please avoid using shrink wrap grip tape. Excessive heating of handle may warp the plastic underneath. Instead when possible please use regular grip tape.

Switching to new adapter can be a little confusing at first, muscle memory is a real thing! This is mainly due to change in weight distribution going from much heavier top heavy adapters. In some cases Ultralight v2 can be twice as light as alternative setups which may feel unrealistically light when starting with it, please allow some time for your hand to adjust. Adapter alone weights around 105 grams (in case of lightweight variant, this may vary in case of weighted versions and different handles) and with bat thickness of 6mm it has been designed to accommodate regular table tennis rubber for maximum immersion and grip. More about applying rubber here. When properly applied rubber + adapter should end up in the region of 120 grams (in case of lightweight variant). See section of rubber cutting help. Feel free also to use any overgrip tape that you like. It will help with the grip and increase weight further if this is something you prefer.