A near-monochromatic realm hidden within the fabric of the Ulterlands that's inaccessible by regular means. It's a dark, cold place filled with vile monsters but serene views. You'll have to go great lengths just to gain access to it. However, once you're in, a hellish battlescape awaits you with teachings you'll never forget.

Dark Gate

A wondrous feat of technology created using high-end science. It tears through the fabric of the Ulterlands and sends the user to Parapax. Although, it's quite fickle and will spit you out at a random location when you exit it.
Only an Edgerider's World Seed can activate it.


A strange liquid found only in Parapax as black as ink. It flows quickly and is as dark as the night sky but other than that, it's fairly ordinary.

All monsters of Parapax have powerful sound-based abilities while also being far more powerful than mobs of other realms. However, in death, their bodies are so volatile that pieces of their DNA are released.


A universal drop from all mobs of Parapax. These can be placed in an Alchemical Table to create a Heart of Villainy. Unfortunately, some genes are less valuable than others (and more genes will be required).

Heart of Villainy

A unique object imbued with the genetic material of the monsters of Parapax. Upon consumption, a human will be able to gain their genetic traits and evolve into a higher species.
Made in an Alchemical Table


A speedy insectoid creature that preys on the weak players it encounters. It'll fly to you at mach speeds and fire sonic pulses from the echo chamber under its abdomen. The Flyvern's eyes allow it vision that extends for miles and conquers darkness.

Health: 24❤ (48HP)
Pulse Damage: 5❤ (10)
32 Xenogenes required


A hulking creature of sheer muscle and bone. It features multiple speakers on its arms that can blow away opponents with ear-splitting sound. However, it would much rather crush you with its fists.

Health: 80❤ (160HP)
Attack Damage: 8❤ (16)
8 Xenogenes Required


An unfortunate avian that lacks the ability to fly. However, it can be a terrible nuisance to any who encounter it. From its large beak, it blasts a shrill tune that will slow down enemies; leaving them susceptible to attacks from other creatures.

Health: 8❤ (16HP)
Scream Damage: 1.5❤ (3)
64 Xenogenes Required