What We Offer

Weekend Trips

These trips are a great way to learn to surf, meet new people, and explore parts of Ireland you won't find as a tourist. Included in the price we offer Surf lessons, Accommodation, and Transportation. (€40 - €60). Keep and eye on our social media and emails for all the updates regarding these trips. 

Places are limited so we give preference to members who attend our weekly events frequently or individuals who have a keen interest.

Weekly Pool + Skate Sessions

On Mondays at 9pm we offer a Skate and Balance session outside the Pess Building, and a Pool session (9.45pm) inside UL Sport Arena. These activities offer get you started with the club. We'll start teaching you the basics of surfing in the pool to give you that head start before a weekend trip. These sessions teach you a lot, but they are also a great way to meet people. And we usually have a few fun games also.  

Wetsuits + Boards

We often let our members borrow our equipment such as surf boards and wetsuits to use on their own surf trips. As long as you have a good relationship with the club and we are confident of your safety we will happily loan equipment with no charge taken. 


We also offer wakeboarding on a seasonal basis. More information will be circulated on our social media and emails about these trips

Intermediate & Advanced Surfers

For more advanced surfers who are looking to find surfer buddies of similar skill levels the club offers a opportunity to connect with like-minded people. We have a Whatsapp Chat for Intermediate to Advanced Surfers to connect and organize outings together. We also pair this with out fuel subsidy policy. 

Fuel Subsidy

The club offers a 1/2 fuel subsidy for members who meet the required criteria. You can avail  of this policy if you are surfing with 3 or more registered members, traveling in the same car. 

Theory Lessons

Each semester we offer a surf theory night. This event discusses topics such as how to read forecasts, Surf etiquette, and different local spots. This event is a must-see for all beginner and intermediate surfers who want to learn and improve.

Social Events

From pot-luck to tie-dye, We host multiple social events throughout the year for our members to get to know each other. These are the perfect opportunity to create surf plans and converse with the committee and older club members.