I Don't know how to Surf! Can I Still join?

YES!! We are open to everyone no matter your surf ability. No experience is needed at all. Most of our members were new to surfing when they joined.

I Don't own a Surf Board or Wetsuit, do i need to Buy them first?

NO!! You do not need to purchase any equipment before joining. All you need is swimwear and a towel. Surf Club will provide the rest. 

How much does it cost??

As a members of the Surf Club there is a yearly membership fee. 

UL Undergraduates = €5

UL Postgrad = €5

UL Staff = €10

UL Alumnus = €10

Other Student = €15

External = €15

All of our weekly activities are free unless specified otherwise e.g. Pool + Skate Session, Safety/Training events, Social Events. 

Our Weekend Trips away cost roughly between €40 - €60, varying with distance traveled etc. Usually these trips include transport, accomodation, surf lessons and equipment. 

I am not a student at UL, Can I Still join?

Yes you can. We accept everybody to our club. You do not have to be a student of UL to attend. 

What activities are available?

We meet every Monday for our Skate & Balance Session and Pool Session. These are held outside the PESS building and the UL Arena. We also will have additional activities throughout the semester. Be sure to watch our Instagram and read our weekly emails for the most up to date information. 

Can I borrow a Board and Wetsuit from the club?

Yes, we lend our equipment out to our members for them to use on their own surfing adventures. A request can be logged with our equipment officer and they will decide if it is possible in each individual circumstance. We usually honor requests by individuals known by the wider club community and individuals with good character.