Fuel Subsidy Policy

UL Surf Club Fuel Subsidy Policy



The UL Surf Club offers a 1/2 fuel subsidy for its registered members who wish to go surfing with their own vehicle and separate from club’s trips/events/activities. We encourage our members to use this to develop there surfing skills as it allows flexibility for members and help lift cost barriers to members.

How does it work?

A fuel subsidy can only be redeemed if all of the following conditions are met:

-          Every member must be a registered member of UL Surf Club before they attend the surf trip.

-          The driver/organiser must inform the wider surf club community of their intention to go surfing on a particular date (this can be done in club official WhatsApp/email tread) and must be willing to take other club members who want to join them (Within reason i.e., until car is full).

-          There must be a minimum of 3 registered members in the car (Including the driver) to redeem the subsidy.

Here are the steps you should take to redeem this subsidy:

-          Inform the wider surf club community of your intention to go surfing and take whoever wishes to attend.

-          Fill your car up before you travel anywhere, then in the evening once you have returned you should fill your car again. The amount you spent the second time you send to us to be redeemed.

-          When you are at your surfing destination you should take a photo of all the members at the beach/break to prove you were all there.

-          Email the full receipt for the fuel to ulsurfclub@gmail.com, include in the email “1/2 fuel subsidy” in the Subject bar.

-          Also include in the email the date, people you were with (& student numbers if applicable), and the location you travelled too.

Here is more useful information to know:

-          If you do not produce a receipt for the fuel, you are not entitled to the subsidy and no exception will be made for lost receipts etc. (We recommend taking a photo as soon as you get the receipt)

-          The receipt cannot contain any other purchase other than fuel.

-          Similarly, if the receipt in question has a wrong date or a very large amount of fuel on it you will not get any subsidy. (The cost of travel to these surf spots from Limerick and other places is known to the club, as well as this, we understanding the effect having boards on the roof and people in the car etc, does to the consumption of fuel. Do not try to claim for a higher amount as we will know).

-          The President, Safety and Development Officer and Treasurer can refuse to pay a subsidy for any reason if they feel it is not in the spirit of the subsidy and/or the members were not acting safely or responsibly in relation to surfing, driving etc.