UlPIoT Overview

The research projected is named Ultra-Low Power and Highly-Scalable Interfaces for the Internet of Things (ULPIoT - Grant Agreement no. 703988 - H2020-MSCA-IF-2015) moves towards the idea of re-thinking analog functions in digital terms to improve their technology/voltage scalability.

ULPIoT re-thinks analog functions in ICs in digital terms.

This is in order to address the fundamental challenges of size shrinking, reduction of design effort and energy-efficiency for the incoming IoT applications. Such an approach starts from a functional decomposition of traditional analog building blocks like Operational Amplifiers, Voltage References and Regulators, ADCs and DACs.

This is intended to decompose complex analog functions in simple primitives. Thus, the digital implementation of elementary analog blocks can be addressed, possibly exploring non-conventional ways to associate information to a voltage/current signal.

Dr. Orazio Aiello performing measurement at the NUS ECE Department Lab