Ukulele Strummers Solihull
Welcome to the Ukulele Strummers Solihull homepage.
Here you will find all of the information on our ukulele singalong & strumming group site.
Based in Solihull, England, UK. We meet twice a month at the fabulous Land Rover Sports and Social Club.
All of the meet dates can be found in our calendar.
If you're not so sure where the club is located, then check out the handy map and address below.
Otherwise use the website links above for further info.
See you there... bring your uke and let's have some fun...
UPDATE ... were back in person for the moment - Wednesday nights at 7:30pm at the Land Rover Sports & Social Club ... UPDATE
We may also still meet via the ZOOM video conferencing app on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. (see for details) ... keep an eye on the Site Calendar
Full details for the next club night / online meet up, can be found within our Calendar events. (see the calendar page on this site or our Facebook site)
Stay safe - and see you soon, Steve...