Running Events

These pages are intended to assist anyone tasked with running a Team Racing Event. We strongly recommend talking to someone who has done so beforehand. Currently the experts are Keith and Jo Sammons see or request a schedule or see the ksail blog

At the end of your event, please don't forget to send a report to UKTRA and Y&Y. Also have a think and write your thoughts for the next person in line so that the next event will be better.

Well before the event Check

These define the way the event will run. UKTRA Standard Sailing Instructions are designed so that they can be printed out easily. You will need to have the Notice of Race and first 6 pages of the standard SI's printed out and posted for competitors to see.

Checklist at the event

1. Have you got mobile numbers for everyone? Next of Kin contact details ?

2. Have you got enough spare equipment?

    Cotterpins, splitrings, shackles and tiller  extensions are useful afloat.

3. Have you got all the paperwork, recording sheets etc. or will you use an app eg telegram

Schedules are thanks to Bruce and Amanda Hebbert, Jo Lucas and Ralph Tingle. Richard Thompson has co-ordinated work on NOR and SI's. Marin Smethers co-ordinated the Handbook.