Extremal Combinatorics at Illinois
May 27-28, 2023
213 Gregory Hall, UIUC
Anton Bernshteyn (Georgia Tech)
Matija Bucic (IAS and Princeton)
Boris Bukh (CMU)
Felix Clemen (Karlsruhe IT, Germany)
David Conlon (Caltech)
Louis DeBiasio (Miami University, Ohio)
Michelle Delcourt (Toronto Met, CA)
Tao Jiang (Miami University, Ohio)
Jaehoon Kim (KAIST, Korea)
Daniel Kráľ (Masaryk University, Czech)
Bernard Lidický (Iowa State U)
Letícia Mattos (UIUC)
Theo Molla (U of South Florida)
Cory Palmer (U of Montana)
Jinyoung Park (NYU Courant Institute)
Cosmin Pohoata (IAS)
Luke Postle (U of Waterloo, CA)
Tibor Szabó (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Andrew Treglown (U of Birmingham, UK)
Dmitrii Zakharov (MIT)
(All talks in Gregory 213)
Saturday, May 27:
9:00am - registration: 205 Gregory Hall
9:25am - opening remarks
9:30am - Bernard Lidický (Iowa State University), Nearly all k-SAT functions are unate
10:05am - Andrew Treglown (University of Birmingham, UK), The induced saturation problem for posets
10:40pm - break
11:00am - Louis DeBiasio (Miami University), Unavoidable structures in infinite tournaments
11:35am - Theo Molla (University of South Florida), Perfect triangle tilings in multigraphs and directed graphs
12:05pm - lunch
1:50pm - Letícia Mattos (UIUC), Anticoncentration for triangle counts in random graphs
2:25pm - Felix Clemen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Almost Congruent Triangles
3:00pm - break
3:20pm - Tao Jiang (Miami University), Balanced supersaturation and Random Turán numbers
3:55pm - Anton Bernshteyn (Georgia Institute of Technology), Algorithms for Vizing’s theorem
4:30pm - break
4:50pm - Cory Palmer (University of Montana), A generalization of diversity for intersecting families
5:25pm - Luke Postle (University of Waterloo, CA), Hypergraph Matchings Avoiding Forbidden Submatchings
5:55pm - closing remarks
Sunday, May 28:
9:30am - Matija Bucic (IAS and Princeton University), Unit and distinct distances in typical norms
10:05am - Boris Bukh (Carnegie Mellon University), Enumeration of interval graphs and d-representable complexes
10:40pm - break
11:00am - Jaehoon Kim (KAIST, Korea), A bandwidth theorem for graph transversals
11:35am - Michelle Delcourt (Toronto Metropolitan University, CA), On a Conjecture of Brown, Erdős, and Sós
12:05pm - lunch
1:50pm - Tibor Szabó (Freie Universit ̈at Berlin, Germany), New Ramsey multiplicity bounds and search heuristics
2:25pm - David Conlon (Caltech), Ramsey numbers and error-correcting codes
3:00pm - break
3:20pm - Cosmin Pohoata (IAS) and Dmitrii Zakharov (MIT), A new upper bound for the Heilbronn triangle problem
3:55pm - Cosmin Pohoata (IAS) and Dmitrii Zakharov (MIT), A new upper bound for the Heilbronn triangle problem
4:30pm - break
4:50pm - Daniel Kráľ (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), Common graphs and beyond
5:25pm - Jinyoung Park (NYU Courant Institute), Counting homomorphisms from bipartite graphs
5:55pm - closing remarks
Local Participants
Igor Araujo
Ce Chen
Zhuangjin Du
Robert Krueger
Yongjin Lee
Duo Lin
Vasilis Livanos
Haoran Luo
Grace McCourt
The Nguyen
Zishen Qu
Aaditya Raghavan
Yilin Xia
Zimu Xiang
Yefei Zhang
Da Wei Zheng
Hongzhen Zhu
Non-Local Participants
Viktoriya Bardenova (VCU)
Ayush Basu (Emory)
Patrick Bennett (Western Michigan U)
John Byrne (U of Delaware)
Ting-Wei Chao (CMU)
Xiaonan Chen (UCI)
Eun-Kyung Cho (HUFS, Korea)
Ilkyoo Choi (HUFS, Korea)
Alexander Clifton (IBS, Korea)
Nicholas Crawford (U of Colorado Denver)
Dheer Noal Desai (U of Wyoming)
Dingding Dong (Harvard)
Zichao Dong (CMU)
Quentin Dubroff (Rutgers)
Bryce Frederickson (Emory)
Sarah Frederickson (Georgia Tech)
Ritesh Goenka (UBC, CA)
Enrique Gomez-Leos (Iowa State U)
Anastasia Halfpap (U of Montana)
Jie Han (Beijing Institute of Technology, China)
Liam Hardiman (UCI)
Emily Heath (Iowa State U)
Gary Hoppenworth (UMich)
Chloe Ireland (Ohio State U)
Griffin Johnston (Emory)
Omid Khormali (U of Evansville)
Dylan King (Caltech)
Tri Lai (U of Nebraska-Lincoln)
Lina Li (U of Waterloo, CA)
Yupei Li (U of South Carolina)
Jeck Lim (Caltech)
Dingyuan Liu (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Xujun Liu (Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool U, China)
Sean Longbrake (Emory)
Ruth Luo (U of South Carolina)
Van Magnan (U of Montana)
Reem Mahmoud (VCU)
Alexandru Malekshahian (KCL, UK)
Dingjia Mao (UCI)
Lucy Martinez (Rutgers)
Sam Mattheus (UCSD)
Sydney Miyasaki (Iowa State U)
Kenneth Moore (UBC, CA)
Eion Mulrenin (U of South Florida)
Jiaxi Nie (Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences)
Kathryn Nurse (Simon Fraser, CA)
Jason O'Neill (California State U)
Alex Parker (Iowa State U)
Fei Peng (NUS)
Silas Rathke (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany)
Jake Ruotolo (Harvard)
Michael Santana (Grand Valley State U)
Patricija Šapokaitė (Aalto, Finland)
Mihalis Sarantis (CMU)
John Schmitt (Middlebury College)
Bjarne Schülke (Caltech)
Coy Schwieder (Iowa State U)
Songling Shan (Illinois State U)
Mason Shurman (UCI)
Sam Spiro (Rutgers)
Mike Tait (Villanova U)
Tyson Trauger (Ohio State U)
Aliaksei Vasileuski (CMU)
Yiting Wang (IST Austria)
Ethan Patrick White (UBC, CA)
Michael Wigal (Georgia Tech)
Ryan Wood (U of Montana)
Maximilian Wötzel (U of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
Chi Hoi Yip (UBC, CA)
Hung-Hsun Yu (Princeton)
Jing Yu (Georgia Tech)
Zhiyuan (Owen) Zhang (Toronto Met, CA)
Yi Zhao (GSU)