Extremal Combinatorics at Illinois

May 27-28, 2023

213 Gregory Hall, UIUC




(All talks in Gregory 213)

Saturday, May 27:

9:00am - registration: 205 Gregory Hall

9:25am - opening remarks

9:30am - Bernard Lidický (Iowa State University), Nearly all k-SAT functions are unate

10:05am - Andrew Treglown (University of Birmingham, UK), The induced saturation problem for posets

10:40pm - break

11:00am - Louis DeBiasio (Miami University), Unavoidable structures in infinite tournaments

11:35am - Theo Molla (University of South Florida), Perfect triangle tilings in multigraphs and directed graphs

12:05pm - lunch

1:50pm - Letícia Mattos (UIUC), Anticoncentration for triangle counts in random graphs

2:25pm - Felix Clemen (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Germany), Almost Congruent Triangles

3:00pm - break

3:20pm - Tao Jiang (Miami University), Balanced supersaturation and Random Turán numbers

3:55pm - Anton Bernshteyn (Georgia Institute of Technology), Algorithms for Vizing’s theorem

4:30pm - break

4:50pm - Cory Palmer (University of Montana), A generalization of diversity for intersecting families

5:25pm - Luke Postle (University of Waterloo, CA), Hypergraph Matchings Avoiding Forbidden Submatchings

5:55pm - closing remarks


Sunday, May 28:

9:30am - Matija Bucic (IAS and Princeton University), Unit and distinct distances in typical norms

10:05am - Boris Bukh (Carnegie Mellon University), Enumeration of interval graphs and d-representable complexes

10:40pm - break

11:00am - Jaehoon Kim (KAIST, Korea), A bandwidth theorem for graph transversals

11:35am - Michelle Delcourt (Toronto Metropolitan University, CA), On a Conjecture of Brown, Erdős, and Sós

12:05pm - lunch

1:50pm - Tibor Szabó (Freie Universit ̈at Berlin, Germany), New Ramsey multiplicity bounds and search heuristics

2:25pm - David Conlon (Caltech), Ramsey numbers and error-correcting codes

3:00pm - break

3:20pm - Cosmin Pohoata (IAS) and Dmitrii Zakharov (MIT), A new upper bound for the Heilbronn triangle problem

3:55pm - Cosmin Pohoata (IAS) and Dmitrii Zakharov (MIT), A new upper bound for the Heilbronn triangle problem

4:30pm - break

4:50pm - Daniel Kráľ   (Masaryk University, Czech Republic), Common graphs and beyond

5:25pm - Jinyoung Park (NYU Courant Institute), Counting homomorphisms from bipartite graphs

5:55pm - closing remarks

Local Participants



Non-Local Participants