Gap Fillers

Wood Filler

  • gritty

  • very viscous, thick but not that sticky

  • Difficult to spread on cleanly

  • Feels like sand paper when dry can chip off

  • Can wet sand

  • stainable

Plastic Wood

  • Spreads nicely

  • Thin paste

  • Sticks fairly well to plastic

  • Feels liek chalk when dry

  • Can wet sand

  • Sabdwd 150-150, finished surface is smooth but i need to add another coat to fill the gaps one more time

Plastic Metal, Bondo

  • Stinky, needs good ventilation and a respirator

  • Acetone toothpaste consistency

  • Dries quickly to a rubbery consistency within 5 mins

  • Thinner applications can dry faster

  • Full hardness after 2-3hrs

  • Good for gluing and filling gaps

  • Sticks to plastic surface well. And spreads nicely directly out of the tube. Must work quickly or it get gummy.

  • Recommend applying straight from tube and then spreading if necessary.

  • Can wet sand, once dry

  • Likely will need 2-3 applications

Glazing and Spot Putty, Bondo

  • Stinky, needs good ventilation and a respirator

  • Spread easy but can dry quickly

  • More liquidy than acetone toothpaste but similar

  • Sticks well to everything

  • Thicker applications need multiple appications. Apply/dry/sand x 2-3

  • Can fill an 1/8th in deep section

  • Can be wet sanded

  • After sanding this one need another coat

Mini Wax Color Changing Wood Filler

  • spread nicely

  • Medium thickness paste

  • Grips ok to plastic surfaces while fresh. Gets increasingly difficult to work with as it dries. Work Quickly!

  • Can wet sand

Fast Patch 30

  • Dry mix, just add water.

  • Can control viscosity with more or less water

  • Set up in 5-30 minutes depending on mixture ratio

  • Can create a little air pockets, needs second application after sanding.

Sandable Primer

  • spraypaint can

  • Needs proper ventilation

  • Can be wet sanded.

  • Needs to be sanded in between applications. Try not to sand through to the plastic between coats

  • Needs 2-6 application of paint and sanding to get smooth. This also depends on the surface your are trying to make smooth.