Laser Cutting Equipment

This is a respository for informational videos on Laser Cutting equipment in the FabLab.  

Illustrator Template

This tutorial gives a thorough overview of the FabLab's laser template and how to organize vector line work properly within the template files. 

Universals (BLUE)

This is a how to series on using the two Blue Universals found in the Fablab. 

1. Illustrator to Print

This tutorial will explain the steps on how to send a file from Illustrator to the Universal Control Panel for laser cutting.

2. Running a Job

Learn how to focus the laser and start your laser cutting job using the Universal Control Panel. 

3. Adjusting a Material Preset in UCP

Learn how to adjust a material preset for the Universal Laser cutters. 

Trotec Speedy400

This is a how to series on using the Trotec Speedy 400

1. Illustrator to Job Control Software

This tutorial covers the steps to send your illustrator file to the Trotec Job Control software

2. Leveling and Starting a Job

Learn how to focus the laser for you specific material and start a job using the Trotec Job Control software

3. Tweaking a Material Preset

Briefly cover how you might adjust settings on a material preset to better fit the material you are processing. 

Thunder Laser Nova35

This is a how to series on using the Trotec Speedy 400. Videos are currently unavailable. 

1. your AI template file for LightBurn

In this turtoial you will learn how to take your prepared laser cutting template and optimize it for running in the LightBurn Software.

2. Using LightBurn to Laser Cut

In this video you will learn how to open your illulstrator template in LightBurn and setup a job for laser cutting.