Common Issues

This is a list of common issues students have had when submiting a file for 3D Printing. Each issue has a small description which will include a suggestion for how to resolve the issue.

Overlapping solids


Overlapping solids that are not booleaned together into one surface are considered a non-manifold 3D Object when grouped together.


Overlapping solids can cause errors in slicing software used to create the gcode for the machine to fabricate your file.

Fix Suggestion:

- ungroup overlapping solids and booleanUnion command

Non-Intersecting Surfaces/Solids


Non intersecting surfaces/solids are two surfaces or objects grouped together but are not overlapping at anypoint. This is considered a non manifold object. An example of a non-intersecting surface/solid is if some one exports a 3d object comprised of grouped solids and surfaces that have not been properly booleaned together.


Non intersecting surfaces/solids can cause errors in slicing software used to create the gcode for the machine to fabricate your file.

Fix Suggestion:

- ungroup non-intersecting solids and surfaces overlap surfaces by 1-5mm. BooleanUnion can be tempermental. If failure occurs at first, adjust overlap by increments of 1 unit until its joins. This may deform original shape of object. If issue persists a self intersection or other degenerate geometry could be present in the meshes you are attempting to boolean.

Non-Manifold Polysurfaces/Meshes

Description: Manifold in regards to 3D printing means a 3D Object that is manufacturable and non-manifold refers to an object that is not manufacturable.

Reason: For an object to be 3D Printable it must be manifold. Various things can make a model non-manifold.

Examples of Non-Manfold Geometry:

- a surface with no thickness

- uncapped piped polysurfaces

- a seemingly solid geometry with opposing normals

- two boxes that share only one edge or vertex

- three faces that share one edge.


- attempt to seperate geometry from components you want to save.

- If a mesh, use mesh repairs vairious features.

- reconsider how your object has been modeling if a simple boolean union does not work

- try manifold groups of different objects together

- self intersecting polysurfaces

- overlapping geometries of seperate objects.

Wall Thickness Needs to be Resized


a common issue when creating scale models for your projects is that the scaled down model may have features that exceed the resolution limitation of the 3D Printer.


The 3D printers xy minimum resolution is .45mm and its Z minimum resolution varies between .3 - .06 mm. So its important to consider your wall thicknesses when 3D exporting your files for 3D Printing.

Fix Suggestion:

- keep your wal, roof and ceiling thicknesses above 1mm.

Measurements of the file do not correspond with file description


The file attached to the submission does not reflect measurements found in the description.


Our file description asks for measurements so that we can double-check the file before printing. Often when we import the submitted file into our slicer we need to convert it into a different unit of measurement and this can cause resizing issues.

Fix Suggestion:

Before exporting your file, take a boundingBox (Rhino) measurement of the individual parts included in your submission.

FIle not comptatible


When exporting a file model for 3D Printing students will often choose a .3dm or dxf file


3D printing slicing software will only accept .stls and .objs

Fix Suggestion:

- export your file in one of the approved file formats.

File needs to be reized


When importing a file into our slicing software for review, many files are too large to be 3D Printed.


Students will not double-check the max work volume for our 3D printers.


- You can find the build dimensions for each 3D printer here.