26 квітня

Тема "Кар*єра"

There are a lot of classifications of professions. Now we'll classify them in 6 groups. Students listen to the definitions of each group and think over about the examples of professions:


Clerical - the jobs are done in offices and deal with people or simple office machinery.

Scientific - the jobs that need a background of interest in one sort of science.

Practical - the biggest group of all, it depends on skills other than those needed in exams.

Outdoor - these jobs are easier to find in the country than in the town.

Creative - these jobs need flair, skill and lots of luck.

Social jobs are ones where you help other people.

І. Fill in this information about career education with job, profession, or career.

a) In their last three years at school, teenagers receive____________advice. There are a lot of_______________to choose from.

b) A______________teacher helps teenagers to discover their interests and make the first steps to future________________

c) A lot of teenagers have a part-time________________

d) Annabel hopes to make painting her________________ although she knows it will not be easy.

e) A special booklet provides some tips for finding-the right__________________It gives information about nearly

ІІ.Read the definition of professions, try to guess and name them. (Перепишіть речення і відгадки в дужки)

someone who can count well and keeps the money records of a business

someone who makes walls with bricks

someone who designs clothes

someone who writes computer programs

someone who gets cash or pays out money in a shop

someone who repairs cars

someone who works at the reception desk of a hotel

someone whose job is to design buildings

someone whose job is to manage a company

someone who studies or works in physics

21 квітня

Тема " Вибір професії"

How do you understand this quotation?

So, you’ve understood that our today’s topic is «The world of profession» and,

what more, during lesson we are going to find out what skills a person needs to do

his (her) job well, what professions are the most demanded nowadays, what are the

most suitable jobs for teenagers, how ambitious you are.

Find the words for the person who ....

a) builds houses;

b) grows food in the field;

c) sells meat;

d) looks after sick people;

e) writes articles for newspapers;

f) designs houses;

g) repairs cars;

h) treats domestic animals;

i) drives automobiles;

j) plays the piano;

k) designs clothes;

і) helps people with personal problems;

m) trains athletes;

n) cooks food.

Guess the professions by their definitions.

1. A person who plans, designs and builds machines, roads, bridges, harbours, etc. (.....)

2. A person who owns or plans the work on a farm. (......)

3. A person who cuts men’s hair and shaves them. (......)

4. A person who prepares food. (.......)

5. A person who is in charge of or helps to run a library. (..........)

6. A person whose job is to keep and examine the money accountants of business or people.(........)

12 квітня

Тема:"Радіо. Телебачення."

1) Find the odd word in the line

· A show, cartoons, to watch, a programme

· Spreading news, enrich knowledge, entertain public, current events

· Documentaries, thriller, wildlife programmes, historical issues, educational programmes

· Viewers, station, channel, programme

2) Match the words with their definitions

Working with the textbook, ex. 1 p. 72

3) Make up sentences

To keep programmes about current events

To follow opinion in different spheres

To enrich pictures and imagination

To influence informed in science and culture

To bring knowledge into millions of homes

To broadcast developments of different kinds

1) tv news keep us informed about current events

2) Documentaries allow us to follow the developments in science and culture

3)Tv helps to enrich our knowledge in different spheres

4) Tv programmes influence our opinion and imagination

5) Tv brings moving pictures into millions of homes

6) Tv channels broadcast programmes of different kinds

Dear students, now your task is to write a short article. You are a reporter in the local newspaper “Teenager’s life”. You’ve got the task to write the article “Teenagers and TV”. Write your opinion on the role of television in the life of a teenager. Include the information:

Ø What role does the TV plays in life of a typical teenager

Ø How much time a day you watch TV

Ø What programmes do you prefer

Ø What you recommend to watch

05 квітня

Тема "Наука та винаходи"

Good morning, friends! I hope you are doing well.

You know, I am so absent-minded. I need your help. Look at the blackboard and try to guess the topic of our lesson.

Today we are going to learn more about inventors and inventions, we’ll refresh our active vocabulary and the grammar material concerning Passive Voice and its usage, have a discussion. At the end of the lesson you are to make up dialogues about your attitude to inventions.

Complete the sentences using the proper form of Passive Voice! Pay attention to the word order!

1. Letters ……………by the postman at 8 every day. (deliver)

2. This bag ……………….. in the bus yesterday. (find)

3. The dress …………… in hot water. (cannot wash)

4. ………..your motorbike yet? (repair)

5. The message ……………. tomorrow. (send)

Who is the inventor of the first car? And who was the first to produce cars? Do you remember his name? Watch the video to learn more about him:

Complete the sentences about Henry Ford!

1. Henry was born on……

2. But he didn’t like….

3. His first car was produced in…

4. The first cars were……

5. The price of Ford’s car was….

01 Березня

Тема Виконання вправ

24 лютого

Тема Стежка Велетня

2) Match two parts of the sentences

1) The full name of the country a) Union Jack.

2) The capital of Wales b) is the Prime Minister.

3) The symbol of England c) is Edinburgh.

4) The official head of the country d) is a red rose.

5) The national flag is called e) is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

6) The capital of Northern Ireland f) is Belfast

7) The head of the Government g) is the Queen.

8) The capital of Scotland h) is London.

9) The capital of the UK i) is Cardiff.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box and learn some facts about Northern Ireland.

Two words are extra:

return arrived border patron myths inhabited countries built shepherd consists

1) Northern Ireland is one of the four ________ of the United Kingdom.

Situated in the north-east of the island of Ireland, it shares a

with the Republic of Ireland to the south and west.

2) Ireland is thought to have been from around 6000 BC by people

of the Mid-Stone Age culture. And about 4,000 years later, tribes from Southern

Europe and established a high Neolithic culture.

3) Ireland's famous saint is Patrick who was taken prisoner from

his family home in Britain by Irish raiders and was brought to Ireland to work as

a . After Patrick escaped back to Britain, he had a vision from God

telling him to to Ireland as a missionary.

4) Irish history is rich in and legends.

20 січня

Тема: " Чи можливе життя без комп*ютера ?"

Do you have a computer at home?

• How often do you use a computer?

• What do you use your computer for?

Today we are going to speak about using of the computers and their role in our life. Some students of our group have done the presentations on this topic. We’ll listen to them. And of course we must do some interesting exercises. And after that we’ll discuss if the computer is good or bad for us and our heath. What is the computer?

The computer is a machine for carrying out calculations and performing specified transformations of information, such as storing, sorting, correlating, renewing and processing data.

Task. Complete the sentences. Закінчити речення. Use the words:

mouse, 2, a computer virus, a computer programmer,104, hacker 1. A computer program that infects the computer memory or hard disk is _____________. 2. A person who illegally and secretly gets into another person's computer system is_________. 3. The standard computer keyboard consists of _______ keys. 4. The standard PC mouse consists of ________buttons. 5. The use of the ____________ in Windows allows the user to click on icons for programs. 6.The job of _______________is to write computer programs.

Task. Choose the correct word. Вибрати відповідне слово.

1. The screen has frozen/stopped. 2. I forgot to save/store documents. 3. I think I’ve got a virus/germ. 4. I can’t connect/join to the Internet. 5. My Internet link/connection is really slow. 6. I can’t transfer/download this music. 7. .The printer has got/run out of the ink 8. I’ve split/poured something on the keyboard. 9. The hard/tough disk is full. 10. I can’t get this DVD to drive/work. 11. I’ve deleted/wiped a file by mistake.

13 січня

Тема Підтримуйте зв'язок

So, what can we tell about Mass Media?

People have always wanted to be well-informed in current events. They used to read books, newspapers and magazines. The world was changing rapidly. Mass Media has become a very important part of our life. We all have already become listeners, readers, viewers long time ago. We get information we need while we are reading newspapers and magazines, watching TV, listening to the news on the radio. If you want to relax, you can just switch on any FM station and enjoy music or you switch on your TV set, choose one of the music channels and have fun. Now you can hardly imagine that just more than 30 years ago there were no FM radio in our country, no satellite television and Internet at all. And we may assert that Mass Media is in control of most spheres in the life of society.

Складіть по одному реченню з кожним словом:





Напишіть слова по категоріям!

Mass Media

Press Internet Television Radio


11 січня

Тема: Science Magic "Технологія впливає на наше життя".

Дорогі девятикласники! Ми розпочинаємо вивчати нову тему!!! Science plays an important role in our life. New inventions appear every day and make our life easier, longer and better. Both at home and at work we can feel a great effect of modern technology on our lives. Washing machines, dishwashers, microwaves have made our life much easier. Many of the things that make our lives better are the results of advances in technology.

Дайте, будь ласка, усно відповідь на запитання:

  1. Do modern science and technology improve your life?

Our today’s topic is “Science and inventions”. Today we’ll continue our talk about well- known inventions and discoveries, about famous scientists and inventions. We’l1 remember the words on the topic and practise them in texts, games, dialogues and exercises.

Ми перейшли з вами до Інтерактивної вправи «Асоціативний кущ»

What words and word-combinations dо you associate with the word “Inventions”? Write down these words on the blackboard.

Учні записують слова, які асоціюються зі словом «Винаходи», а потім складаються з ними речення.


A sewing machine

An automobile

A television

A light bulb

A computer

A telephone

A dishwasher

A video recorder

A radio

A microwave oven

A cooker

A CD player

An iron

A digital camera

A toaster

A vacuum cleaner

A washing machine

A ventilator

A refrigerator

A mobile phone

Перегляньте, будь ласка, відео про винаходи 2020!

Перепишіть речення в зошит і навпроти кожного позначте чи згодні ви з твердженням ( чи стосується зміст речення особисто вас"

  • use an automobile in my every day life, when I go to school with my parents.

  • I can’t live without computer. I can surf the Internet, prepare my school work,
    read the news.

  • As for me, I can’t live without television. I like watching films, news, cartoons,
    programs for different tastes and interests.

  • I think that a telephone is a very important part of our life. I use it every day.

  • I sometimes use a video recorder, when I want watching

  • When I want listening to music, I use a CD player.

  • I use a microwave oven every day, when I want to warm up my meals.

  • I use a digital camera, when I want taking some photos.

  • I use a washing machine, when I want doing the laundry.

  • І саn’t imagine my life without mobile phone, because I like to communicate
    with my friends.

  • I use a refrigerator in my everyday life, when I want to conserve the products. 12) I often use a vacuum cleaner, because it is used to clean the carpers.

  • I often use a ventilator in summer, when it is hot.

  • I don’t use a sewing machine in my everyday life, but my mother does.

  • I often use an iron, because it is used to press clothes.

09 грудня

Тема: Контрольна робота з теми "Навколишнє середовище"

I. Choose the correct word from the brackets:

1. What will our homes be like 100 years (of / from / till / on) now?

2. I (know / say / tell / think) that we will have homes that are more environmentally friendly.

3. (Wherever / If / Because / But) this happens, we will use alternative (causes / means / sources / ways) of energy such as wind and solar power.

4. Life will be easier, (when / so / while / as) lights will go on and windows will open when we ask them to.

5. In my (idea / opinion / belief / point), there will be so many people by then that there will be no land to build houses on.

IІ. Fill in with should / shouldn’t:

1. We __ protect the nature.

2. We __ cut down forests.

3. We __ recycle paper, plastic bags.

4. We __ throw rubbish in parks and in the streets.

5. We __ pick up rubbish in parks, in yards, and in the streets.

6. We __ burn trees.

07 грудня

Тема; Домашнє читання "The Great Barrier Reef "

Дорогі дев'ятикласники! Прочитайте даний текст, перекладіть його і випишіть основні тези з кожного абзацу!

The Great Barrier Reef

Welcome to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef! The 2,000-kilometre long reef is the largest coral reef system in the world – it is so big that it can be seen from space! Like many other coral reefs in the world, the Great Barrier Reef is in danger. The numbers of fish and other creatures that live here have fallen drastically in recent years because of pollution. We need your help to protect this unique ecosystem.

Help us protect the water

The sea around the reefs has been seriously harmed over the years, but you can help reverse this. Don’t throw rubbish into the sea as it may contain chemicals that will pollute the water. Rubbish might also float to the surface, which isn’t pretty for anyone to look at! Help us to keep the water crystal clear so that it can be enjoyed by everyone.

Help us protect the wildlife

The reef is home to 1,500 species of tropical fish, over 200 types of bird and 20 species of reptile, including the endangered Green Sea Turtle. It is also a breeding ground for humpback whales from the Antarctic. Remember – all these creatures depend on the reef for their survival. Please never fish for anything! Many species of fish are in danger of extinction and therefore protected by law. The same goes for shellfish and other creatures. They may look beautiful, but remember the reef is their home. How would you feel if someone picked you up and took you far away from your home?

Please help us to conserve Australia’s natural treasure so that it can be enjoyed for generations to come!

2 грудня

Тема: Яке ж воно навколишнє середовище?"

Today at the lesson you’ll revise the vocabulary about Nature Protection and you’ll learn how to express your thoughts and opinions on a suggested topic in a written form, that is to write compositions.

Дорогі учні! Перегляньте, будь ласка, презентацію і виконайте завдання.

Чекаю на ваші роботи на мою електронну адресу.


Шановні дев'ятикласники! Перегляньте, будь ласка, відео-урок на тему " Моя улюблена телепередача".

Також не забуваємо про виконання вправ за підручником!

Вправа 3 ст.155 - письмово - потрібно відповісти на запитання, спираючись на короткі дані в табличці!

вправа 6 ст. 158 - письмово - потрібно заповнити пропуски у запитаннях відповідно до змісту!

09/04/2020. Урок №55. Тема: "Моя улюблена телепередача"

Діти, вам потрібно підготувати розповідь на тему"Моя улюблена телепередача" за наступним планом:

  1. What your favourite TV programme?

  2. How often is it broadcast?

  3. What kind of TV programme is it?

  4. What is this TV programme about?

  5. Why do you like watching it?

  6. Would you like to take part in any TV programme?

  7. What kind of TV programme would you like to participate in?

Чекаю на ваші виконані роботи! Присилати на електронну пошту за адресою


10.04.2020 Урок №56 Тема : "Шкільна радіо-програма"

Вправа 1 ст. 159 ( усно) - дати відповіді на запитання

Вправа 1 ст.160 (письмово) - переписати речення, відкривши дужки

Пропоную вам інтелектуальну розминку Past Simple, Present Simple or Future Simple Passive

17.04.2020.Урок №58. Контрольна робота з теми "Radio and TV"


23.04.2020. Урок №59. Тема: " The World of Professions"

В першу чергу, перегляньте відео "Top10 Highest Paying Jobs in the World"

Виконання вправ з підручника

Вправа 2 ст.165 (усно)

Вправа 3(а) ст.166 (письмово)

Вправа 3 (в) ст.166 (усно)

Зараз виконайте наступне завдання "Find the pair"

24.04.2020. Урок № 60. Тема: " The World of Professions"

Перегляньте відео найнебезпечніших і найекстримальніших професій у світі

Завдання по підручнику:

Вправа 4 ст. 167 (усно)

Вправа 6 ст.168 (письмово)

Вправа 7 ст. 168 (усно)

Вправа 8 ст. 168 (письмово)

30.04.2020. Урок №61.Тема: "Один день із життя"

Виконання вправ:

Вправа 3 ст.170(усно)

Вправа 5 ст.171( письмово)

Вправа ст.172( усно)

Вправа 9 ст. 173 (усно)

14.05.2020. Урок №65. Контрольна робота з теми "Career Magic"


1. Translate the words.

1. a job

2. a profession

3. to require

4. to earn

5. abilities

6. skills

7. to choose

8. a choice

9. to change

10. an accountant

11. a carpenter

12. an editor

13. to suit

14. a lawyer

15. a surgeon

2. Write the sentences using words which, who, when, whose, where

1. I …

2. She …

3. They …

4. He …

5. We …

3. Answer the questions.

1. What professions are popular among men?

2. What professions are popular among women?

3. What jobs are the most prestigious nowadays?

4. What professions are dangerous?

14.05.2020. Контроль навичок аудіювання

9 form


Vocabulary: wall paper – стіннівка

Hi Ann,

Thanks for your letter. It was very interesting to read about your school. In Ukraine we have excellent schools too. We have many light classrooms, science labs, two gyms and even a court. We are allowed to play volleyball on the court. But I am not crazy about sports. I enjoy singing. I sing in our school choir and my best friend Sveta plays the piano in the school orchestra. On some holidays we hold concerts in our school assembly hall. They are great fun; some pupils even perform plays in it. Our principal supports all the ideas of pupils. She is a good teacher of Mathematics too. But Mathematics is not my favourite subject. I like to write compositions. Last year my composition won a prize. I described our school exhibition of wall papers.

And what about your activity at school? Do you have to go to the canteen? Have you got lazy bones in your form?

I’m afraid, I must hurry now.

Best wishes,


I . Choose the right answer.

1. In Ukraine we have

a) excellent schools

b) big schools

c) nice schools

2. We are allowed to play …. On the court

a) basketball

b) volleyball

c) tennis

3. On holidays we hold

a) exhibition

b) concerts

c) performances

4. Our principal is a good teacher of

a) Literature

b) Mathematics

c) History

5. I like to write

a) letters

b) songs

c) compositions

6. In my composition I described

a) Exhibition of wall papers

b) exhibition of pictures

c) last performance

II. Finish the sentences.

1. We have many lights classrooms, science labs, 2 gyms and even …

2. I am not crazy about …

3. On some holidays we hold …

4. Our principal is …

5. I like to write …

6. Last year my composition …

21.05.2020.Контроль навичок читання

Reading-Test 9 form (читаємо та переказуємо самостійно)

Daniel Defoe

Daniel Defoe was born in London in 1660. He was a novelist, journalist and poet. His original name was Daniel Foe, but in his middle 30s, Daniel started calling himself “Defoe” because it sounded more gentlemanly. He received a good education and he became a businessman. He liked his profession, although he was often unsuccessful. In 1684, Defoe married Mary Tuffley. Their marriage lasted for 47 years, until Defoe’s death. They had eight children.

Defoe’s first writings were about politics. In many of his works, he supported King William III. From 1704 to 1713, he wrote and published a journal called the Review. In this journal, Defoe supported the government. The articles were not only about politics, but also about religion, business, morals, and so on. In 1713, he was put in prison for his writings. However, he continued to produce the journal even in prison.

In 1719, Defoe wrote his most famous book, Robinson Crusoe. It is the story of an Englishman who leaves his home to go to sea. He survives a shipwreck and lives on an island for 28 years, alone for most of the time. He discovers that the island is sometimes visited by cannibals. They kill and eat prisoners there. One of the prisoners escapes and Robinson helps him. He names his new friend Friday, teaches him English and makes him a Christian. At the end, the two men leave the island and get to England.

When he published Robinson Crusoe, Defoe was 59 years old. He wrote some other books after that, for example Moll Flanders or Captain Singleton. The main characters in these books are often criminals. In 1724, Defoe published his last important work of fiction, Roxana.

Daniel Defoe died on April 24, 1731. Because of Robinson Crusoe, he has been called “the father of the English novel”.

22/05/2020. Контроль навичок письма

Write a short essay about the role of mass media in your life (10 – 12 речень)