30 квітня

Variant I

Reading Comprehension Activities

Task 1. Match the sentences with their translations.

1) Чи можу я вам допомогти?

2) Це чи те?

3) Щось іще?

4) Мені б хотілося…

a) Anything else?

b) Can I help you?

c) This one or that one?

d) I’d like

Task 2. Read the text “Shopping” and fill in the gaps.

Text “Shopping”

When we want to buy something, we go to a shop. There are many kinds of (1) … in every town or city, most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women’s clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and a butchery. I like to do my shopping at big department stores and (2) … . They sell various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A department store, for example, is composed of many departments: ready-made clothes, shoes, (3) …, toys and glass, cosmetics, cameras, records, etc.

You can buy everything you like there. There are also escalator in big stores, which take customers to (4) …. The things for sale are on the counters so, that they can be easily seen. In the women’s clothing department you (5) …, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things. In the men’s clothing department you can choose suits, (6) …, overcoats, ties, etc.

In a food supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, (7) …, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea. At the butcher’s there is a wide choice of (8) … and poultry. At the bakery you buy brown and white bread, (9) …, biscuits.

Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery, which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, (10) …, beetroots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can buy (11) …, cream, cheese, butter and many other products. The methods of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where the customer goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a (12) … what he wishes to buy. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You pay money to the cashier and he gives you back the change.

a) sports goods

b) fish

c) carrots

d) shops

e) can find dresses

f) basket

g) supermarkets

h) milk

i) trousers

j) rolls

k) meat

l) different floors

Task 3. Read the text “Shopping” again and answer the questions.

1) Where do we go when we want to buy something?

2) What sell various goods under one roof?

3) Where do they sell sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals?

4) Is everything sold ready-weighed and packed at the greengrocery?

23 квітня

Тема "Контроль письма"


I. Fill in “at”, “in”, or “on”

1. ___Monday

2. ___ the weekend

3. ___December

4. ___ the morning

5. ___ the second Sunday

6. ___the first of May

II. Choose the right tense form.

1.She …English well.

a)speak b)speaks c)spoke

2.They … tennis last week.

a)played b)play c)have played

3.She … many English books last month.

a)reads b)has read c)read

4.She plays tennis … .

a)now; b) every Sunday; c) already; d) this week

5.This man ___ here yesterday.

a) was; b) will be; c) were; d) is

6. My mum ..... breakfast for our

family every morning.

a) is cooking b) cooks c) cooked

16 квітня

Контрольна робота з теми " Україна. Київ"

1. Write the words in the correct order to make sentences:

1) famous\ is\ Kyiv\ its\ parks\ for\ attractive.

2) year\ visit\ Kyiv\ people\ every\ system\A lot of.

3) Has\ transport\ city\ well- developed\ The\ a\ system.

4) Are\ many\ galleries\ Kyiv\ in\ art\There.

5) proud\ capital\ Ukrainians\ of\ are\ there.

2. Complete the sentences:

1. The country you were born in is …

2. People who live in Ukraine are …

3. …. is the capital of Ukraine.

4. Ukraine is an … state.

5. Kyiv is one of the … cities in Europe.

6. The Dnipro is the … river in Ukraine.

3. Write about your favorite places in Kyiv.

07 квітня

Тема: " Визначні місця Києва"

Text "What do you know about Kyiv?"

Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is located on the Dnipro River. It is the largest city in the Ukraine. More than three million people live there. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago.

It is the political, economic, industrial and cultural centre of our country. There are many factories in Kyiv. They make different products.

In Kyiv there are many museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas and palaces. Our capital is very beautiful in spring when chestnut trees are in blossom.

Khreschatyk is the main street in Kyiv. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight.

There are many historical places in Kyiv. For example, St. Sophia Cathedral, Kievo-Pechersk Lavra, Water Museum and many others.

Перевірка розуміння прочитаного

Answer the questions.

  • Is Kyiv the capital of Ukraine?

  • Is it located on the river Thames?

  • Was Kyiv founded more than 10 thousand years ago?

  • Is it a cultural and economic centre of Ukraine?

  • Is Kyiv very beautiful in spring?

  • Is Khreschatik a wide street?

  • Is Khreschatik a long street?

  • Is a chestnut tree a symbol of Kyiv?

24 лютого

Тема Подорож Лондоном

match the parts of the words combinations:

1) Trafalgar a) Palace

2) Buckingham b) Bridge

3) St.Paul’s c) Park

4) Nelson’s d) Theatre

5) The Globe e) Cathedral

6) Tower f) Square

7) Madam Tussaud’s g) Museum

8) Regent’s h) Column

Say if the sentences are true or false:

1) The Tower of London served as a royal palace, a fortress, a prison.

2) Today it is a famous shopping mall.

3) Many kings lived there.

4) Black cats meet tourists there.

5) The Raven Master gives them milk every morning.

6) Beefeaters usually tell the visitors a lot of interesting things about the Tower of London.

Опрацюйте усно діалоги

Dialogue 1.

- How do you like London?

- Oh, it’s beautiful.

- Yes. I think it’s one of the most interesting and unusual cities in the world.

- Oh, yesterday I saw the Houses of Parliament, heard the voice of Big Ben, and visited the famous Tower of London.

- Have you visited Westminster Abbey?

- Not yet. What is it famous for?

- It is the royal church.

- How can I get there?

- By bus or just walk.

Dialogue 2

-Where did you go yesterday?

- I went to the Tower of London.

- Oh, it’s great! I am sure you really enjoyed your visit.

- Yes. I visited all the museums. I watched the Puppet Show about old days of the Tower of London. It was funny.

- Did you see the Jewel Room?

- Yes, of course. I had watched an interesting video before I went there. It was exciting!

- Did you go to the Bloody Tower?

- Yes, I did. It’s a terrible place and I wanted to feet the black ravens with my sandwiches, but the Raven Master didn’t let me do that.

22 січня

Тема Пакуємо валізи

Questions: Дати письмово відповіді на запитання

1) Do you like traveling?

2) What means of transport did you use?

3) Did you like your trip or not?

4) Where did you go?

Look at the following pattern and speak about the reasons for travelling

People like alone Usually on business

with friends they travel for pleasure

to travel with parents in search of advantages

with a dog out of curiosity

with grandparents to see the beauty of the world

When they go shopping Because exciting

travel they meet new people travelling is useful

like to make new friends fascinating

go sightseeing enjoyable

learn about traditions of their countries good for health

But disappointing Travelling broadens our outlook

sometimes expensive gives us life experience

it can be dangerous leaves unforgettable impressions

troublesome helps us explore the world

tiring allows us to understand other

people better

15 січня

Тема: Міський транспорт

Lesson’s plan.


· to repeat and to actualize lexics on the given topic

· to improve pupils’ reading and writing

· to revise grammar material (must, mustn’t, have to, don’t have to)

· to bring up respect to other people

Доповніть речення, скориставшись таблицею зі словами

Тепер, діти, перепишіть питання, вибравши правильне слово

Дорогі шестикласники, даю вам вправу на обговорення :

13 січня

Тема Travelling. Types of transport.

Hello, dear friends! At our today’s lesson we’ll speak about different ways of travelling, about your favorite kinds of travelling, about trips during the holidays, recollect types of transport existing in the world; also we’ll role-play some situations.

Уважно прочитайте текст, усно перекладіть і дайте відповідь на запитання по тексту письмово.

One of the most important inventions was the wheel. The people of Mesopotamia first used wheels between 3500 and 3000 B.C.

Another important invention was the boat. The first boats were just rafts. People

made them by laying tree trunks or brunches side by side and tying them together. Later on they covered the bottoms of the rafts with animal skins to try to keep the water out.

Around five thousand years ago, the Egyptians made the first sailboats. The sails catch the wind and use wind power to make the boat go.

The horses traveled a lot farther after the invention of horseshoes. Horseshoes are metal shoes nailed to the bottom of a horse’s foot. People built roads to ride their horses and roll their carts on. In Rome, writers complained about traffic jams thousands of years ago. There were too many carts and horses!

Answer the questions

1. Who used wheels between 3500 and 3000 B.C. ?

2. How did people make rafts? What did they do later to try to keep the water out?

3. The Mesopotamians made the first sailboats, didn’t they?

4. What invention made it possible to travel by horse farther?

5. Who built roads and why?

6. What did Roman writers complain about thousands of years ago?

09 грудня

Тема: " Контроль навичок читання"

Дорогі діти, приступаємо до виконання другого виду контролю. Чекаю роботи до 15-00. Не забувайте пдписувати

Reading Comprehension Activities

Task 1. Match the sentences with their translations. ( Переклаіть фрази і встановіть відповідність)

1) Я візьму ось це…

2) Ось, будь ласка.

3) Скільки це коштує?

4) Де можна купити …?

a) Here you are.

b) I’ll take this one, please.

c) Where can I buy …?

d) How much is it?

Task 2. Read the text “Shopping” and fill in the gaps. Прочитайе текст і доповніть речення, вставивши слова відповідно до змісту ( слова після тексту)

Text “Shopping”

When we want to buy something we go to a (1) … . There are many kinds of shops in every town or city, most of them have a food supermarket, a department store, men’s and women’s clothing stores, grocery, a bakery and a butchery. I like (2) … at big department stores and supermarkets. They (3) … various goods under one roof and this is very convenient. A department store, for example, is composed of many (4) …: ready-made clothes, shoes, sports goods, toys and glass, cosmetics, cameras, records, etc.

You can buy everything you like there. There are also (5) … in big stores, which take customers to different floors. The things for sale are on the counters so, that they can be easily seen. In (6) … you can find dresses, costumes, blouses, skirts, coats, beautiful underwear and many other things. In the (7) … clothing department you can choose suits, trousers, overcoats, ties, etc.

In a (8) … supermarket we can also buy many different things at once: sausages, fish, sugar, macaroni, flour, cereals, tea. At the (9) … there is a wide choice of meat and poultry. At the (10) … you buy brown and white bread, rolls, biscuits.

Another shop we frequently go to is the greengrocery which is stocked by cabbage, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, carrots, beetroots, green peas and what not. Everything is sold here ready-weighed and packed. If you call round at a dairy you can buy milk, cream, cheese, butter and many other products. The methods of shopping may vary. It may be a self-service shop where the (11) … goes from counter to counter selecting and putting into a basket what he wishes to buy. If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. You (12) …to the cashier and he gives you back the change.

a) butcher’s

b) escalator

c) to do my shopping

d) bakery

e) departments

f) sell

g) women’s

h) food

i) men’s

j) shop

k) customer

l) pay money

2 грудня

Тема: Контроль аудіювання

Дітки, прослухайте за посиланням аудіотекст і виконайте завдання ( якщо вірно ставите True, якщо ні -False )

Чекаю ваші роботи до 15-00 години. Не забувайте, що це один із видів контролю!

Listening Comprehension

Посилання на аудіододаток - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C2RiMtXZX5-yGSIfmtkYTMBzDyp9olh5/view?usp=sharing

I. Listen to the conversation of Mike and Cathy and mark if the sentences are true or false.

1. It is the second week of school.

2. It’s a break so Mike and Cathy are in the classroom.

3. They have got a lot of new teachers and some new subjects.

4. Mike says that his timetable is horrible.

5. Mike is not good at Maths.

6. Mike is really scared because he is not good at PE!

7. The first Mike's lesson on Thursday is Math.

8. Mike's is History teacher is Mrs Pitt.

9. Mike thinks :History is pretty interesting

10. There are three new pupils in Mike's class?

11. The twins are from Australia and their father is a writer.

12. Twin's father writes detective stories.














01.04.2020. Урок 55. Тема "Київ"

Дорогі шестикласники! Ми розпочинаємо з вами вивчати нову тему "Київ" . Тому обов'язково передивіться відео. Якщо, виконуючи завдання по підручнику, виникнуть труднощі, звертайтеся. Сьогодні ми загалом познайомимось з Києвом, його історіє та видатними місцями. Бажаю успіхів!

07.04.2020. Урок №55. Тема: "Подорож навколо Києва".

Доброго ранку! Розпочнемо урок з перегляду відео.

Переходимо до вправ по підручнику:

Вправа 3 ст. 141 - читати і вміти перекладати, при необхідності звертайтеся до словника!!!

Вправа 4 ст. 142 ( письмово) - потрібно встановити відповідність між назвою та описом,

Вправа 5 ст.142 (усно) .

І наостанок виконайте завдання на часи Past Simple or Present Perfect. Склади пазл "Відгадай-но!"

08.07.2020.Урок №56 Тема: "Історичні місця Києва".

Доброго дня, шановні шестикласники. На початку перегляньте, будь ласка, відео про відомі історичні місця Києва.

Надіюсь вам сподобався відеофрагмент і було все зрозумілим! Тепер переходимо до виконання вправ у підручнику! Тому записуємо сьогоднішнє число, класна робота.

Wednesday, the 8 the of April

Class Work

Вправа 1 ст.143 (усно) - Читати і вміти перекладати, усно давати відповіді на запитання.

Вправа 3 ст.144 (усно) -виразно читати діалог, вміти перекладати

Вправа 5 ст. 145 (письмово) - Переписати речення, відкривши дужки і поставивши слово відповідно до часу. Наприклад, (пишу 1 речення):

  1. Many talented architects worked for 10 years to create St. Volodymyrs Cathedral.

А тепер, діти, перевіримо, як добре ви вмієте застосовувати прийменники в англійській мові відповідно до слів. Пропоную вам невеличку гру) Нехай щастить!

14.04.2020. Урок №57. Тема:" З'ясування напрямків". "Аsking for directions".

Вправи за підручником:

Вправа 1 ст.145 (усно) - прочитати і перекласти.

Вправа 2 ст.146 (письмово) - доповнити фрази, користуючись словами із таблиці. Тобто треба вказати шлях

Вправа 4 ст. 148 (письмово) - переписати текст, доповнивши речення словами із таблиці

Вправа 5 ст.148 (письмово) - написати по одному запитанню до кожного речення.

А зараз виконайте завдання під назвою "Road safety". І перевір, наскільки гарно ти пам'ятаєш слова.

21.04.2020. Урок №59. Контрольна робота з теми"“Ukraine: Kyiv ".

Писати контрольну роботу на окремому листочку і вкладаємо в робочий зошит. Фото виконаних робіт відправляйте на мою електронку,будь ласка!!! Вайбер не витримує) Дякую. Успіхів!



22.04.2020 Урок №60. Контрольне аудіювання

Виконувати на окремих листочках і надсилати на електронну адресу uhimenkotatana36@gmail.com

Надіслати мені 10 тестових завдань по тексту

ауд. 22.04.2020.docx

28.04.2020. Урок №61. Тема: "Шкільні предмети"

Today we’ll speak about... but,I am not going to tell you the theme, please, watch the video, sing song together and try to guess the theme of our lesson

Yes, You are right , we are going to speak about school and school subjects.

Дайти письмово відповіді на запитання:

-Do you like our school?

-How many girls and boys are in your class?

-What subjects do you learn?

-What is your favourite school subject?

This is your school schedule. But I don’t know what subjects do you have on these days. Can you help me? Please, open your diaries, look through your timetable and write your subjects in this table.

Виконання вправ по підручнику:

вправа 3 ст.161 (усно)

вправа 6 ст.162 (письмово)

29.04.2020. Урок №62. Тема: "Розклад уроків"

Прийом «Павучок».

Read and match both column

1.Maths a) draw funny animals

2.Literature b) sing songs

3.Music с) do the sums

4.English d) write compositions

5.History e) read about Ukrainian hetmans

6.P.Е. f) show different countries on the map

7.Geography g) study British culture

8.Art h) learn poems by heart

9.Ukrainian i) learn to use a computer

10.Computer Studies j) play football

Відгадай , який предмет

1. It gives us a chance to make friends in many parts of the world. At this lesson you read texts, speak, ask and answer questions, play games.

2. It helps you to calculate how much money you can ask your parents for.

3. It helps you to live many lives without your living home. Russian and foreign writers and poets are studied at the lesson.

4. It makes you a participants of lots of events (подій) which happened long ago.

5. You can visit different countries without leaving your own city.

6. At this lesson you draw and paint. You have papers and pencils, a brush and an eraser.

7. At this lesson you don’t read and write. You run, jump in the gym.

8. A lot of grammatical rules are studied at this lesson. We write many tests and dictations.

9. At this lesson plants and animals are studied.

І не забуваємо виконувати вправи із підручника!

12.05.2020. Контроль навичок письма.

Виконуємо на окремому аркуші і зберігаємо, бо це один із видів контрольної роботи!!!


Form 6

Task 1 Fill in with there is/there are

1. There _____ thirty students in my class.

2. There _____ some books in my bag.

3. There _____ some computers in the library.

Task 2 Complete the sentences with the correct modal Task 5 Complete the questions with the question words from the box.

Why / Who / Where / How / What / When

1) — _____ sports are you fond of?

— I’m fond of football and basketball.

2) — _____ do you usually get up?

— I usually get up at 7 o’clock.

3) — _____ does your sister like eating?

— She likes eating ice cream.

4) — _____ is this woman?

— She is my aunt.

5) — _____ are you?

— I’m fine, thank you.

6) — _____ are you looking at that girl with a little puppy in her


— I like her pet and want to ask her if the puppy was a present to her


13.05.2020. Контроль навичок говоріння

Виконуєте завдання усно, розвиваємо і поглиблюємо свої навички говоріння англійською мовою. Присилати роботи не треба!

I. Answer the questions:

1. Could you introduce yourself?

2. What subjects do you study at school this year?

3. What are your favorite subjects? Why?

4. What is your hobby?

5. Do you like doing sports?

6. What are you going to be? Why?

7. How would you describe your family?

ІІ. Розкажи, як ти плануєш провести літо, твої плани на канікули.

19.05.2020. Контрольна робота за темою "Шкільне життя"


  1. Choose the correct word from the box to match the definitions. There are three extra words.

court, composition, a canteen, a choir, science lab, library, to support, to perform, an orchestra

1) A group of people who sing songs together. - a choir

2) To act in some play or to prepare the concert . _______________

3) Pupils have their lunch in this room. _______________

4) You can play tennis in it. _______________

5) Pupils study Science in this room. _______________

6) You can find books, magazines and CDs there . _______________

  1. Put the verbs in blackets into the correct tense.

1) You (be) the puppet show. You have been to the puppet show.

2) W e (serve) Mexican food.

3) He never (visit) history museum.

4) She (choose) an excellent present.

5) They (discuss) this question already.

26/05/2020 Повторення