April 6-10

Virtual Genius Hour

Hey, hey everybody! Watch this video:

Virtual Genius Hour.webm

If the video won't open, click this link: drive.google.com/open?id=13SDBR5pZd_VstEWS94PiZjsub3kmfKal

After watching the video, go to this web address: flipgrid.com/99f46dad

Share the facts that you learned about your topic for the Virtual Genius Hour! Have fun and learn something new!

The STEM challenge this week is to go outside and build a fort out of sticks! It can be a tiny fort for fairies, or, if you have a lot of larger sticks, you can build a fort to fit yourself inside! If available, you can add an old sheet or blanket to it! Enjoy a snack in your fort! I will post a reminder on Tuesday morning and ask for photos of your creations. I can’t wait to see these!

Repeating Rhythms…Repeating Rhythms…Repeating Rhythms…You can find patterns that repeat in ART and MUSIC. This week we are honoring the memory of Bill Withers and one of his most popular songs. “Lean on Me” was written and recorded by Bill Withers. It was released in April 1972. The lyrics in this song are powerful, and I hope you all know that you are loved and missed by everyone at Union. In the video, you will see Madeline Bush play the same rhythm pattern. However, she will be playing on different areas of the bucket drum. She will be using two wooden spoons as drumsticks. You can record yourself playing with Madeline on the video! Think about this… Right Right Left Right Right Left! She did simple clicks at the beginning! I cannot wait to see your videos. Please post your videos on Wednesday under my post.

The rhythm pattern and video are below.

Also, I wanted to remind everyone about the student code for our online music curriculum. Students may go to quavermusic.com to create a student account! Students will be able to have access to more activities if FLASH is used!

After usernames and passwords are created, please use the following code for Union: HJBUM. The students will have a wonderful time exploring the activities. If your child visits Quaver, please take a picture and post it

on Wednesday under my post.

If you have any videos for our VIRTUAL VIRTUOSOS Talent Show, please send them to allison.bush@sumnerschools.org. I am so excited to start posting them under the different categories!

Lastly, these activities are not meant to overwhelm. I just want you to know I am thinking of all of you and our students. You all have welcomed me at Union, and I will forever appreciate your kindness!

Here is the link to the video: drive.google.com/file/d/16JBpCwvtESzB-_P-1QtDvZw-LhDve1DJ/view?usp=sharing

We're learning about rhythm in both art AND music this week! In art, you'll be learning about three different types of visual rhythm, then creating an artwork using all three! If you complete the project, don't forget to comment with a photo on Mrs. Creasy's Thursday Facebook post!
