April 20-24

Balloon cups! All you need is a disposable paper or plastic cup, a balloon, and a few small objects. Your STEM challenge this week is to make a balloon cup, place one small object in the cup at a time, pull back on the balloon, and see how far each object travels! You might chose to do this outside! Have a starting line (tape works well so it stays consistent) and measure the distance with a tape measure or ruler, whatever you have. Test a marshmallow, a craft pom pom, a paper clip, penny, anything you have around. What item traveled the furthest/shortest distance? Why? Think about the mass of each object and why it plays a part in the distance the objects travel. A chart could be helpful to document the results. This is a great chance to learn about Sir Isaac Newton, Laws of Motion, and gravity, if you want to dig deeper. Here is a link to help with the activity. Have fun!


❤️ Mrs. Thorne

Mrs. Bush loves planting flowers! She has created a variety of flowers using different rhythms (note durations,) and she would love to see your “Rhythm Gardens!” She used an Eighth Note, Quarter Note, Half Note, Dotted Half Note, and a Whole Note. She planted flowers in her garden, but you can “plant” whatever you want in your garden! Try to use the different rhythms in your garden. Please post pictures in the comment section below. Happy Spring!

If your child has created a student account using our QUAVER music curriculum, please post a “Quaver” picture below. Our Union code is HJBUM.

Do not forget to send your Talent Show videos to Mrs. Bush! Certificates will be mailed to ALL TALENT SHOW participates! If you have any questions, please ask!

This week in art, you'll be learning about the element of art called SPACE! Then, you'll create an artwork showing positive and negative space using SHADOWS!!! Don't forget to take a picture and post it as a comment on Mrs. Creasy's Thursday Facebook Post! I can't WAIT to see your shadow art!


Ok, everyone! Today's task is about getting creative outside. Go outside around your house. Find something that captures your attention and write a haiku about it. Remember, a haiku has three lines. The first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables. Have fun and share your creations under my post on Facebook!