
The UELF Garden has received a NOAA Ocean Guardian grant for 2021-2022! The Ocean Guardian program will provide education about water in our environment, our local watershed The Laguna de Santa Rosa, and the opportunity to design ways to protect the water in our environment.

The UELF Garden is funded in part and supported by School Garden Network. The School Garden Network of Sonoma County provides support to school garden programs in order to grow healthy students, families, schools, and communities through garden-based education.
Our Habitat Garden project was funded by a School Garden Network Habitat Garden grant.

The UELF Garden received a grant from Wellkind in 2021 to support our school garden program. WELLKIND develops and implements school gardens to be utilized as learning labs to educate our youth about science, health, ecology, nutrition, and more. We recently expanded our program to support family and community gardens as bridges connecting people to the Earth, increasing awareness of health, and providing access to organic food production.

The UELF Garden received a grant from Raley's for a recycling and composting package. We launched a food waste to compost program in the 2019-2020 school year. This part of the program is on hold, but the compost bins are used with garden waste and support the experience of 220+ students during lessons on composting and decomposition.