Code of Conduct for POWUR Members

  1. POWUR members shall not engage in harassment of any kind to any person under any circumstances, whether the person is present or absent.

  2. POWUR members shall commit to creating a space free from harassment by reporting harassment to the appropriate office, including Title IX if necessary. A list of resources can be found on the POWUR website. In addition, POWUR members shall welcome and validate victims of harassment, and provide them with contact information for relevant university offices including CARE & CAPS, as well as POWUR if they express interest.

  3. POWUR members shall not treat any person differently based on their skin color, ethnicity, native language, gender (including the use of nonstandard pronouns), sexuality, ability level, physical appearance, age, political opinion, or religion.

  4. POWUR members shall commit to the ideal of professionalism, including but not limited to

    1. refraining from the use of sexual or otherwise inappropriate language;

    2. refraining from engaging in insulting, degrading, condescending, or otherwise disparaging language to or about any person;

    3. showing respect for all members of the department and university at large;

    4. maintaining a reasonable boundary between personal life and departmental affairs;

  5. POWUR members shall remember that, whether intended to or not, all words and actions reflect back on the group as a whole, even if done outside the context of POWUR. As such, POWUR members shall conduct themselves in a manner that is constructive to the current goals and affairs of POWUR.

  6. POWUR members shall kindly remind each other of the Code of Conduct when necessary. A friendly reminder can be given by first asking questions about the issue of your concern, such as “What did you mean by ___?” or “The situation could be interpreted as _____, so I wanted to clarify.” Refer to this related article about speaking about ethical issues at work.

  7. If a POWUR member holding a leadership position repeatedly and irreverently breaks the Code of Conduct, they may be asked to resign from their position.

  8. If a POWUR member repeatedly and irreverently breaks the Code of Conduct, they may be asked to refrain from involving themselves in future POWUR activities.