Teaching Content

Over the past several years we have been engaged in an ongoing collaboration toward integrating literacy and mathematics in our program. Our reading and math methods courses around are similarly structured around a cycle of enactment and investigation, allowing novice teachers to integrate learning about children, content, and practice -- at times around a shared Instructional Activity that spans both content areas (see a list of Instructional Activities here). Teacher educators meet weekly to debrief our teaching, share successes and challenges, and plan for upcoming instruction. Our hope is that a shared class structure and ongoing lines of communication between teacher educators creates a more coherent experience for novice teachers as they navigate the complexities of discipline-specific content and teaching.

One component of integrating our methods courses is the use of shared Instructional Activities (IAs) across methods courses. Read more about connecting math and literacy through shared IAs here.

Reading Methods

Find out more about our Reading Methods course.

Math Methods

Find out more about our Math Methods course.

“In working with my literacy buddy, my colleagues, and their buddies, I have come to see literacy as much more than reading and writing. I see it now as a practice and process that we engage in, as individuals and within groups; both in school and outside of school."

-Michelle (TEP 2018-2020)

“ I always thought math was so soulless and abstract, and I found it difficult to find any meaning in it. I'm happy to say that I have made a full 360 degree turn and I truly enjoy teaching math now.”

-Adam (TEP 2018-2020)