Winter 2021

An Introduction to Mathematics of Machine Learning

    • Instructor: Kat Dover

    • Student:

    • Book: Mathematics for Machine Learning by Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong

Cauchy-Schwarz Master Class

  • Instructor: John Treuer

  • Student: Zhengran Ji

  • Book: Complex variables: a physical approach with applications by Steven Krantz

Commutative Algebra

  • Instructor: Deepesh Singhal

  • Students: Lori Cha

  • Book: Steps in Commutative Algebra by R.Y. Sharp

Introduction to Finite Geometry

  • Instructor: Kelly Isham

  • Students: Gabriel Llanes and Hursh Naik

  • Book: Combinatorics and Finite Geometry by Steven Dougherty

Introduction to Knot Theory

  • Instructor: Yasmeen Baki

  • Students: Phillip Kessler and Guogen Lan

  • Notes: "Knots Knotes" by Justin Roberts

Modern Geometry and Symmetry

  • Instructor: Sidhanth Raman

  • Student: Tianshu Chu

  • Books: Geometry and topology of three-manifolds by William Thurston and Knots and Links by Dale Rolfson

p-adic Analysis

  • Instructor: Shichen Tang

  • Students: Sylar Chow and Sara Shen

  • Book: p-adic Numbers, p-adic Analysis, and Zeta-Functions by Neal Koblitz

Topics in Point Set Topology

  • Instructor: David Clausen

  • Student: Lorenzo Alesiani

  • Book: Introduction to Topology 2nd edition by Gamelin and Greene

Wallpaper Groups

  • Instructor: Adam Marks

  • Students: Haoran Xu

  • Book: The Symmetries of Things by John H. Conway et al.