Spring 2022

Symplectic Linear Algebra

    • Instructor: David Clausen

    • Students: Guillermo Garrido and Muqing Tang

    • Book: Introduction to Symplectic Mechanics by Maurice de Grosson

Intro to Algebraic Geometry

P-adic Analysis

    • Instructor: Alexandro Luna

    • Student: Christopher Wang

    • Book: p-adic Analysis Compared with Real by Svetlana Katok

An Introduction to Homological Algebra

    • Instructor: Yasmeen Baki

    • Student: Anthony Taneda and Yuhang Wu

    • Book: A First Course in Abstract Algebra by John Fraleigh and An Introduction to Homological Algebra by Joseph Rotman

Quantum Information Theory

    • Instructor: Liam Hardiman

    • Student: Gerardo Ramirez and Xingshuo Xiao

    • Book: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang

Algebraic Number Theory

    • Instructor: Thurman Ye

    • Student: Jie Ma

    • Book: Algebraic Number Theory by Frazer Jarvis and Number Fields by Daniel Marcus

Filters and their Applications

    • Instructor: Dani Reagan

    • Student: Janet Hernandez and Lai Jiang

    • Book: Kalman And Bayesian Filters in Python by Roger R. Labbe