
Barry McCormick

There have been a total of forty-four different umpires who have been on the field during one of the unassisted triple plays. Seven of those forty-four have been on the field for two of the plays. Those seven are: Bob Davidson, Billy Evans, Bob Hart, Barry McCormick, Hank O'Day, Rick Reed, and Mark Wegner.

The only umpire who made the out calls for two unassisted triple plays is Barry McCormick. His triple play out calls came on Ernie Padgett's unassisted triple play in October 1923 and Jimmy Cooney's in May 1927.

The only umpire who worked the games for two consecutive unassisted triple plays is Bob Hart, who was on the field for Ernie Padgett's in October 1923 and Glenn Wright's in May 1925.

In July 1994, Matt Winans was the second base umpire who made the out calls for John Valentin's unassisted triple play. Winans was a minor league umpire called up to replace absent umpires in 1994. He umpired a total of 28 games and was never added to the permanent Major League staff of umpires.