Rafael Furcal, SS

August 10, 2003

Atlanta Braves vs St. Louis Cardinals

The Setup:

In the fifth inning of 1-1 game between the Atlanta Braves and the St. Louis Cardinals, Horacio Ramirez, the starting pitcher for Atlanta, allowed a leadoff single to center by the Cardinal catcher, Mike Matheny. Orlando Palmeiro, the number eight hitter attempted a sacrifice bunt. His bunt back to the mound was fielded by Ramirez who turned to throw to second base. Rafael Furcal, the Braves shortstop, was late covering the bag, and both runners were safe. The Cardinal pitcher, Woody Williams, came to the plate.

The Play:

After looking to bunt on the first two pitches which went for a ball and a strike, Cardinal manager, Tony La Russa, switched off and started the runners and had Williams swing away. Williams lined the ball towards the shortstop. Rafael Furcal timed his jump perfectly and made a leaping catch. Orlando Palmeiro reached second base just as Furcal was completing his catch. Furcal ran to step on second base for the second out and then quickly ran down Palmeiro who unsuccessfully attempted to return to first.

The Rest of the Story:

How this inning unfolded says a lot about the faith that Tony La Russa had in Woody Williams as a hitter. Williams who was hitting .250 was an exceptional hitter for a pitcher and was occasionally used as a pinch-hitter. This helps explain why La Russa would have his number eight hitter sacrificing in front of the pitcher, and why he would have Williams swing away on a hit and run. Williams became the second pitcher to hit into an unassisted triple play, following Clarence Mitchell who hit into the Bill Wambsganss triple play in the 1920 World Series.

Jon Miller was doing the play by play for this Sunday night baseball game. He recognized what was happening and called it as a triple play just as Furcal caught the ball. Joe Morgan, who was doing the color commentary, pointed out that Furcal was making up for his not covering the base on the play before. The television camera caught pitcher, Horacio Ramirez trying to “help” Furcal catch the ball. As Furcal leaps in the air, so does Ramirez, kicking his legs out as Furcal makes the catch.

Mike Matheny, who was the second out of the triple play, would become the Cardinals manager nine years later, and would be managing Furcal, who was obtained by the Cardinals in a trade in 2011.