Midwest Messenger: Have You Ever?

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Name: Sarah Z Johnson

Title: Writing Center Director, English Department co-chair

College: Madison Area Tech College

TYCA Member since: 2002 

Gotten a tattoo: No

Ridden a horse: Yes

Broken a bone: Yes…but just my pinky finger and it’s still crooked because my mother told me it “didn’t look too bad”

Been a sub without any prep: Oh yes

Traveled internationally: Yes

Taught at a level other than college: Not unless you count first grade Sunday school, and it turns out I’m way better with adults

Been in a movie: Yes! I was the featured performer in a grad student’s film about….I’m not really sure what it was about actually. But I walked around the streets of Chicago In a flowing gown and then pretended to get drunk. Clearly good stuff.

Been published: Yes

Been married: Yes

Gotten fired from a job: No. I’m not brave enough to get fired.

Been a Department Chair: Yes…I am now!!