About Us - JOIN!

Anyone interested in the teaching of English during the first two college years, all persons engaged in the teaching or administration of English courses at any two-year college, and all others interested in such teaching are eligible to join TYCA. Membership in TYCA-Midwest supports the annual conference and pays for your subscription to the Midwest Messenger. If you attend an annual conference, then your registration fee pays for your membership for one year. We encourage ongoing membership even if you cannot attend the October conference. 

Two-Year College English Association: Midwest

What is TYCA-Midwest?

The Two-Year College English Association was formed in 1996 to establish a national voice within the National Council of Teachers of English and the Conference on College Composition and Communication. TYCA coordinates the work of seven long-standing regional conferences serving every section of the United States and many Canadian provinces to seek resources, develop strategies, and advocate on behalf of its members’ professional needs and concerns.

The members of this association teach in every variation of the two-year college: lower division campuses of state universities, comprehensive community colleges, junior colleges, technical colleges, private two-year colleges, and combined community and technical colleges. The Midwest region covers colleges in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Manitoba, Canada, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The organization’s focus is on the concerns – content, pedagogical, and institutional – of instructors of lower division English courses.

The sponsorship of the TYCA-Midwest Conferences in the recent past has been as diverse as the members’ institutions. Madison Area Technical College, the Saint Louis Metro Community Colleges, the College of Lake County are recent sponsors. If you have any questions about TYCA-Midwest or would like to sponsor the annual Conference, please contact us at tycamw@gmail.com.

Mission and Goals Statement

Mission: TYCA serves to promote the teaching and study of English in the two-year college, to advance the theories and practices of teaching English in the two-year college, and to provide a national voice for the two-year college in postsecondary education.

Recognizing the unique institutional character of the two-year college, open to all students, TYCA is further committed to student diversity in culture, age, background, ability and goals, and the critical role of literacy required in a democratic society.



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