Lyra Plugin

Lyra Plugin is a Lyrics Player & Editor Plugin.

It can be used to view the lyrics for the song that is currently playing in most of the music players.

It will automatically scroll and highlight the current playing line while the song is playing.

Lyra Plugin integrates with Spotify, Deezer, Google Play Music, Samsung Music player, Amazon Music player, SoundCloud, Poweramp, Music Player by mytechnosound, Musixmatch, n7player, doubleTwist, BlackPlayer, Stellio an MANY MANY MORE! See the Integration Guides

Lyra Plugin It's not a music player itself! If you want a music player with lyrics support, we recommend "Lyra Music Player" in

Lyra Plugin supports the LRC Lyrics format. The lyrics are EASILY downloaded from the internet and you can save them in your device for later usage.

Lyra Plugin has 3 different lyrics visualization modes.

- Fullscreen mode

- As a small floating window in top of other applications

- A floating component showing just the current lyric line in top of other apps.

With Lyra Plugin you can:

- Change between different lyric files stored inside your phone (if more than one lyrics available, for example, english lyric, translation to spanish, french, etc)

- Download lyrics from internet

- Interact with the clipboard for copying and paste lyrics

- Edit the song lyrics (set the time for the current playing line, edit the current line text, delete a line, clear the lyrics times, sync time backward and forward, set the first and last line time, and more)