Lyra - Lyrics Music Player

The best music player for Lyrics Playing, Lyrics Downloading and Edition.

With Lyra you can

1. Navigate your local music collection, categorized by artist, album, genre and playlists.

2. View lyrics and navigate between different lyric files stored inside your phone

3. Download lyrics from internet

4. Copy lyric content to clipboard

5. Delete lyrics

With Lyra Music player you can automatically download and view the lyrics for the song you're currently playing; after the lyrics are downloaded, you can edit them with the different tools inside the application.

The lyrics are automatically scrolled when the song is playing.

Lyra Music player supports the lyrics in LRC format and looks the right lyrics for the currently playing song inside your device; if no lyrics files are found locally, it automatically download them from the Internet.

Are you a multitasking person? well, we can also display the lyrics of the song while you're using other applications. We use a floating lyrics component which you can position in any part of the screen and will show over the other applications you are using.

Trying to learn a foreign language? Lyra Music Player is a great tool for learning through music listening; we support showing the lyrics in both languages (original song language and a translation) at the same time; for achieving this, just paste the translation over the original lyric and choose mix lyrics... we will display a 2 columns lyric with the original and translated lyrics.

Lyra doesn't integrate with any other music players; if you need that you need to install our "Lyra Plugin" application which is also available in our Playstore site.