Tutoring Sessions:

Rules and Guidelines

Although this is a completely free math tutoring program, it is still important that we have rules and guidelines in order to protect both the students and tutors. Please keep in mind that these rules were not made to single out any person or peoples and that the rule's existence is to ensure maximum success for students.

*Tutoring by Two reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.


1. Disrespect and unreasonable actions from tutors and students are not tolerated and will be handled using the 3 strike rule. (Refer to 3 strike rule below)

​2. All tutoring sessions will be scheduled in advance unless explicitly stated in writing by a current department head, vice-president, or president of Tutoring by Two.

3. Tutoring Sessions do not and will not cost any money.

4. If a student needs to cancel or cannot attend a tutoring session, then the tutor must be notified at least 6 hours in advance. Exceptions will be made for emergencies.

5. Unexpected and not notified absences from tutoring sessions will be handled also using the 3 strike rule. (Refer to 3 strike rule below)

6. During tutoring sessions, the student is not required to have their video on, however, they must join the session with their real name or their parent or guardian's name. Otherwise, there is no guarantee that they will be allowed into the session for security purposes. Tutors are required to have their video on for the majority of the session.

7. In order to prove that a session did exist, emails from parents or guardians confirming session existence will be periodically requested.

8. The student must be a student in Las Cruces Public Schools. Students outside of Las Cruces Public Schools may be admitted at the discretion of Tutoring by Two.

9. The official spokesperson for Tutoring by Two is the currently presiding President and Vice-President. Tutoring by Two does not guarantee any information shared about Tutoring by Two's policies or decisions by anyone who is not one of the aforementioned people.

10. Tutoring by Two reserves the right to refuse service to anyone at any time.

NOTICE: Tutors Only

1. Every new tutor will be required to submit a Tutor Sign Up Application and attend at least one interview where the tutor's ability will be observed by the interviewer.

2. All tutors are subjected to a 3 session trial period. If a president, student, or parent finds the tutor's services unacceptable, then the tutor will lose their tutor status.

3 Strike Rule

NOTE: Applies to both tutors and students.

1. Verbal Warning

2. [If repeat offense] Written warning. Email sent to parent or guardian for students. Email sent to tutor.

3. For students, privilege of utilizing Tutoring by Two's services is revoked for 1/2 semester, 1 semester, or 1 whole calendar year. (Time determined by severity of offense)

For tutors, tutor title revoked and the tutor is unable to tutor for Tutoring by Two until the next school year. NOTE: Tutor must reapply and have their application accepted in order to re-obtain their tutor status.

Tutoring by Two reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions at any time.